Does the 'reach' (length) of a weapon have any consequences in combat?

Is it just my imagination, or do the weapons with a long reach such as spear, halberd, and quarterstaff actually seem to confer some sort advantage in their wielder not getting hit as often by enemy meleers using weapons with a shorter reach? I'm sometimes amazed at how seldom mages get hit when they melee with a stave. Whereas if they melee with a dagger?... good God.
I may do a little test just to see. I.e. roll up a mage and CLUA in a shortsword wielding hobgoblin, 1 vs. 1. Then do, say, 15 trials with the mage wielding a dagger and 15 trials with a spear just to get a sense.
Quarterstaff - 13 wins, 2 losses
Dagger - 12 wins, 3 losses
Which is not enough variation to be significant. Not enough trials either, really. Although I think it was enough times to get a crude sense if there is any obvious difference.
Clearly, though, the mage wielding the staff stood further away from the opponent.
As mele weapons don't have a 'reach = x' value, I can't imagine that a halberd has an advantage over a short sword within the game mechanics.
Although I can imagine quite a bit of discussion over that in a p-n-p game.