How to remove XP cap on iPad?

So... like the title says, how?
I tried using iFunbox to add override folders with the 3 files to several places inside the app, it won't allow me at all (iFunbox crashes or stops doing anything). I can edit the folders with saves without issues using iFunbox, but I guess I need to add the override folder with the 3 files in a similar place to the PC version?
Playing solo and already hit the cap after clearing the Bandit Camp - 161k. I know very well I will be extremely OPed once I do it. I finished both games 10s of times already - bought BG1 on the day it came out ~15 years ago
I tried using iFunbox to add override folders with the 3 files to several places inside the app, it won't allow me at all (iFunbox crashes or stops doing anything). I can edit the folders with saves without issues using iFunbox, but I guess I need to add the override folder with the 3 files in a similar place to the PC version?
Playing solo and already hit the cap after clearing the Bandit Camp - 161k. I know very well I will be extremely OPed once I do it. I finished both games 10s of times already - bought BG1 on the day it came out ~15 years ago

Post edited by qbah on
The Devs have identified that they are interested in supporting modding but they do not quite know how it will work yet and have not had time to work on what it would take to do so. They've talked about using dropbox functionality to support this kind of work but do not have ANY modding support in game at this point.
Thanks folks! Hopefully we'll hear something from the dev soon :-)
I'm not an expert here, just thinking outloud.
Would such a save (e.g. thief 200k XP) behave on iPad like:
-reverted the xp back to 161k and keeping your lvl (and HP)?
-reverted the xp back to 161k and reverting also your lvl (unlikely...)
-kept 200k XP but would not allow to go above?
-worked well (200k and allowed to gain more)?
Which one is it?
I guess the game would:
- lock your XP at 161k
- keep your current level
- not allow to gain more
Just a guess though... Can't really check myself, I'm on holidays right now with no access to my home PC.
If you can modify this on the PC, you may be able to use those instructions to make the same change on the iPad...if not, you're in a wait state for "official" support to come around for modding the iPad version of the game.
The XP cap is soooo annoying. First thing I always remove on my PC installs... Just hit it on my new char (F/M/T). Didn't even descend into Cloakwood mines yet... :-(
Also, you can probably get around a mil of XP in a BG1 game at most. Which is ~330k per class in a FMT - so level 8-11 for each class. If I don't really break a sweat with the 161k cap (levels 6-7), then yea... I don't understand the need for a cap.
Level 8 for Fighters, Barbarians, Paladins, Rangers, Clerics, and Monks
Level 9 for Wizards and Sorcerers
Level 10 for Thieves, Bards, and Druids
The original XP cap was, of course, 89k, which is level 7 for everyone but Druids, Thieves, and Bards.
Incidentally, you can legally Dual Class a thief to wizard at level 7 with the 161k xp cap (hello Imoen!)
It's about game playability and transfer up to the next game.
"Also, you can probably get around a mil of XP in a BG1 game at most. Which is ~330k per class in a FMT - so level 8-11 for each class."
So let me get this straight. You want to take a game built for characters around 7th to 10th level max and make it playable by a MINIMUM of 24th level characters? (8th level for each of 3 classes = 24 levels).
WHat about those of us who DON'T multi-class? You really thing the game should support a 20th level wizard rolling around casting 9th level spells (oops, there are no 9th level spells in the game...) or a 20th level monk rolling around being immune to anything but +1 weapons or below?
I appreciate you COULD do this, but that's not what the game is designed for.
Then what? You roll into BG2 as a 20th level character? FFS, that's where you're supposed to be rolling into ToB at.
The level cap is there for a reason, yes it's limiting's SUPPOSED TO BE so that you aren't massively overpowered by mid-game and can do everything you want without issues.
It caps you to maintain at least some of it's challenge.
You can get around a million *total* during the whole campaign. With 6 people in the party that's under 170k per character... Looks familiar? ;-)
Also, a million exp that's level 14 tops, for a thief. For a Mage that's level 12, so lvl6 spells.
Highest would be thieves at 14. Lowest fighters/paladins at 11.
The whole adventure offers a million experience. Why punish players who wish to play the game as a single character? Or with fewer characters?
966,000 xp given to 1 character isn't equivalent to 161,000 given to 6 characters.
Case and point a level 40 fighter would destroy 6 level 13 fighters.
The game is balanced for 161,000 xp so going over that is unbalanced. CTRL-Ying everything in the game is pretty unbalanced too but I don't want to stop anyone from doing that either.
perhaps there should be another thread to discuss if the development teem should add the ability to remove the XP cap from the iPad version via mod or something, and let the developers choose if they want to support modifications to the game.
This brings the debate to a different level. Going into the dev console or putting a mod in game to remove the XP cap is one thing: This is you deciding that your game play should be different from what the original game developer intended. If the game gets too easy or becomes unenjoyable to you because you've chosen to put a mod in, that's not the developer's fault. If there is a bug in the game and it blows up because your character reached X level above what was intended, it's not a problem with the game.
Asking for the XP cap to be removable within the game itself is taking it to a different level...this is asking for this to be an Accepted practice and part of the game play by the developers. If the game manufacturer allows you to get past the XP cap, then they also have to make sure the content is there past the XP cap to maintain the game as fun. It's perfectly possible for someone to go into options, turn off the XP cap not knowing what they're doing, then scream that the game was too easy at the end to the general public.
We're not debating that you shouldn't turn off the XP cap, or that it's illegal to do so. We're debating whether or not it should be an option within the game itself as was the suggestion earlier in the thread.
But I do think an override folder should be implemented to easily override the XP cap (or other things whatever they may be, spells, abilities, etc...) for people that want it removed.
That said, I just believe that the restrictions on the original game are valid and good restrictions...they should stay in place, alllowing after market mods to remove those restrictions.
I'm pretty sure BG1 with the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion always had a xp cap of 161,000 so I don't think EE increased it for new content.
I have actually stopped playing the game since I cannot level up anymore, I'm really hoping they will release an optional XP Cap removal tool for the iPad soon.