The extra sound file sets (4 - 6) seem to be there (viewed from iFunbox), but they don't seem to show up in the game yet. I have all the DLC so I don't know if they were included in the basic game or not.
i don't know why they are waiting for the patch to give us the portraits and voices stored inthe game. Also why not have us be able to buy say 20+ portraits and 10 voices at the store?
Hopefully it will show up with the new patch, such is the nature of the itunes store. We'll have to wait until the app is approved. Should be soon though.
They only showed up in the store for the PC version after patch 2010, I believe (maybe even 2011). Whenever that patch gets rolled out to iPad they should be there. The files will be there, of course, like the portraits and the characters were already in-game. The in-app purchase is more-or-less a way of making the cost the same as the PC version overall. The stuff is still in the game.
10 years or so of the same core voices, wee bit of variation will be nice.