Dorn a Bhaalspawn?? *Spoilers*

In Throne of Bhaal, there is a Bhaalspawn in Saradush named Gromnir Il-Khan. Obviously I'd imagine him being related to Dorn Il-Khan, most likely brother or son. So do you guys think that we'll find out eventually that Dorn is a Bhaalspawn as well? I'd imagine he'd want the power for himself once he finds out, and a showdown would be inevitable. Also that would explain some of the mysterious power Dorn has.
Sounds like he's a B-something. -lackguard, -haalspawn, same number of letters, same number of syllables. I'm calling it.*
*Don't know what I'm calling it, but I'm calling it!
I don't think of it as incest though, I doubt they share Bhaal's DNA... I'd imagine they just share his divine power. That's how I think of it anyway.
And when you find out he is, and if you romanced him... lol... It's gunna be like in Tolkien's book The Children of Hurin, if anyone has read it.
Or they could make his mysterious patron involved in that whole Bhaal thing somehow, because after the PC's heritage is revealed he admits that his patron led him to PC.
As for romance getting in the way of him being bhaalspawn because of incest implications... Who said anything about there ever being any hot action? So far it seems more like bromance than anything else. It is available to both PC genders so far, and I really can't imagine him going bi in BG2. He seems to be into chicks. So unless they design two different romance paths for both genders, which I don't think is very likely, he could be a close friend type of guy.
He and Gromnir are probably just both from the Il Khan clan of orcs.
The incest thing is really kind of a grey area. I mean, yeah it is, and its weird, but still it doesnt go to the extremely gross area (no more so than Bhaal mating with a fire giant or a dragon)
I know (half-orc) CHARNAME's mother was allegedly a half-orc. But we know what a
I always do.
I'd love to let you all know what I heard but, you know... contract limitations.
I just exceeded my contract limitations.
As I understand it, Bhaal simply implanted his "divine essence" into unborn and newborn children. (This is backed up possibly, I think, by an image from one of the BG2 movies showing a clawed--Bhaal's--hand grasping an infant).
And even if Bhaal did go around raping anything and everything he could fertilize, that doesn't mean that both Gromnir and Dorn are his children--I know this is very hard for some people to comprehend, but it's entirely possible for a women to bear children of DIFFERENT men--crazy, right? The reason Imoen was a Bhaalspawn was because she was CHARNAME's twin. If they weren't twins, they could easily have been half-siblings.
And, of course, it's very possible that "Il-Khan" is either A) a common orcish surname, like Smith or Miller, or
So, basically, what I'm saying is that there are more possible ways to explain Dorn NOT being a Bhaalspawn that to explain him AS a Bhaalspawn. So, basically, his lineage can be twisted to one thing or another, whatever is necessary in service to the narrative.
but I love Gromnir
They could be the best friends :-)
I heard Dorn can't wait to get that vorpal blade.
When it comes to immaculate conception, the blood-line is the same as the mortal parent, and merely has divine power of some magnitude from the divine parent. So while bhaalspawn on bhaalspawn would technically be incest, it wouldn't physically be incest, unless both were from the same mortal parent.
Or if you want to get down to brass tacks, it's just a form of divine masturbation since Bhaal is just screwing around with himself.
They're possibly related but him being a Bhaalspawn because they share a name makes no sense at all.
It's actually rather simple: Il-Khan is a clan, not strictly speaking a family. Dorn and Gromnir are not (necessarily) siblings, they just belonged to the same clan. There is no more reason to suppose that Dorn is a Bhaalspawn than there is to assume that, say, Neera is a Bhaalspawn.