Actually when I found Raiken there were no other bandits anywhere nearby. Then after the cutscene the nameless bandit and Raiken walked off to the NW, ran into some trees, thought better of it, then walked back SE... and vanished in the middle of the view area. Tazok didn't move at all, just stood there until vanishing with the other two.
Yes, in the script ar2900.bcs all the bandits are now called BANDIT44 which don't exist. This is why Teven in ar2900 is alone. There was a huge delay between ending the dialogue with Teven and starting the cut scene with Tazok. Looking into the other problems.
* Fixes incorrect bandit creatures which caused them not to spawn. You named them BANDIT44 and BANDIT22. I removed the second number and also gave them different facing directions as them all looking south is kind of silly looking. * Once Tazok begins the fight with CHARNAME Teven/Raiken would just get destroyed which looks bad. They will now move away from the fight and escapearea() once you beat Tazok as intended per the dialogue. * Fixed the long delay between ending Teven's/Raiken's dialogue and starting the Tazok cut scene. Remove the duplicate shout(2)/Wait(2). Also added Fadeto/from. Sets the mood better. * Adds new scripts that will destroy the bandits and either Teven or Raiken; depending on which one you didn't talk to. * Fixed some duplicate entries in Tazok's dialogue. * Fixed some things mentioned in Dudleyville.
@SethDavis I noticed in the new build that BANDIT44 and BANDIT22 are now BANDIT444 and BANDIT222. LOL what is going on there? Anyway, the code above will need to be changed so it can find the extra number.
Sometimes it wouldn't hurt to check these runaway patches before submitting, and after applying. The crash with Xan turned out to be also a patch thing.
@SethDavis Here are a few fixes. Mostly duplicates.
// Remove Duplicates
COPY_EXISTING ~tazok.dlg~ ~override~
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea())
ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea())~ ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea())~
// Remove Duplicates (removes wait() as that delays the cut scene and give the option to talk to Teven/Raiken to delay the cut scene even further - this is bad)
COPY_EXISTING ~teven.dlg~ ~override~
~raiken.dlg~ ~override~
Wait(2)~ ~~
//Fixes so the initiator bandit from the cut scene will MoveToPoint as soon as Tazok turns hostile
COPY_EXISTING ~teven.bcs~ ~override~
~raiken.bcs~ ~override~
REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~MoveToPoint(\[1042.1249\])
ActionOverride("Banditcr",Face(15))~ ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",MoveToPoint([1021.1309]))
I added a solution there, so it should be easy to close.
Raiken in Peldvale was also alone so that area script might be off as well...
Here are the fixes.
It also fixes bugs @Avenger_teambg mentioned here:
* Fixes incorrect bandit creatures which caused them not to spawn. You named them BANDIT44 and BANDIT22. I removed the second number and also gave them different facing directions as them all looking south is kind of silly looking.
* Once Tazok begins the fight with CHARNAME Teven/Raiken would just get destroyed which looks bad. They will now move away from the fight and escapearea() once you beat Tazok as intended per the dialogue.
* Fixed the long delay between ending Teven's/Raiken's dialogue and starting the Tazok cut scene. Remove the duplicate shout(2)/Wait(2). Also added Fadeto/from. Sets the mood better.
* Adds new scripts that will destroy the bandits and either Teven or Raiken; depending on which one you didn't talk to.
* Fixed some duplicate entries in Tazok's dialogue.
* Fixed some things mentioned in Dudleyville.
COPY_EXISTING ~ar2400.bcs~ ~override~ ~ar2900.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1375.2147\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1364.2260\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1479.2347\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1486.2143\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1548.2228\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1290.2260\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT444",\[1393.2366\],0)~ ~CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1375.2147],6) CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1364.2260],1) CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1479.2347],15) CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1486.2143],8) CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1548.2228],12) CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1290.2260],4) CreateCreature("BANDIT4",[1393.2366],1)~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~CreateCreature("Raiken",\[4013.594\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4134.556\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4268.628\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4112.652\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4194.663\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4176.511\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4227.541\],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT222",\[4072.572\],0)~ ~CreateCreature("Raiken",[4223.601],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4112.512],7) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4377.700],14) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4112.652],2) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4197.723],0) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4385.531],10) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4284.542],12) CreateCreature("BANDIT2",[4072.572],4)~ COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~teven.bcs~ ~override~ ~raiken.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~DestroySelf()~ ~MoveToPoint([1042.1249]) Face(14) ActionOverride("Banditcr",MoveToPoint([1021.1309])) ActionOverride("Banditcr",Face(15))~ COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~teven.dlg~ ~override~ ~raiken.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~Shout(2) Wait(2) Shout(2)~ ~Shout(2)~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG COPY_EXISTING ~tazok.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~ClearAllActions()~ ~EndCutSceneMode() ClearAllActions()~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~EndCutSceneMode() ActionOverride("Teven",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("Raiken",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea())~ ~ActionOverride("Teven",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("Raiken",EscapeArea())~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG COPY_EXISTING ~bancut01.bcs~ ~override~ ~bancut02.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ChangeAIScript("bandct",OVERRIDE)~ ~~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~CreateCreature("RAIKEN",\[1100.1390\],0)~ ~CreateCreature("RAIKEN",[1100.1390],0) ActionOverride("RAIKEN",FaceObject(Player1))~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~CutSceneId(Player1)~ ~CutSceneId(Player1) FadeToColor([20.0],0) Wait(2)~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~ActionOverride("Tazok",SetNumTimesTalkedTo(1))~ ~FadeFromColor([20.0],0) ActionOverride("Tazok",SetNumTimesTalkedTo(1))~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~Wait(3)~ ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",ChangeAIScript("WTARSGT",DEFAULT)) Wait(3)~ COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES COPY_EXISTING ~tazok.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~RESPONSE #100~ ~RESPONSE #100 StartCutSceneMode()~ COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES <<<<<<<< newbanditscript.baf IF Global("TazokSays","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 DestroySelf() END >>>>>>>> COPY_EXISTING ~bandit2.cre~ ~override~ ~bandit4.cre~ ~override~ WRITE_ASCII 0x258 ~Bandit4~ EXTEND_BOTTOM ~Bandit4.bcs~ ~newbanditscript.baf~ <<<<<<<< newbanditscript.baf IF Global("TazokSays","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Teven",DestroySelf()) END >>>>>>>> EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar2900.bcs~ ~newbanditscript.baf~ <<<<<<<< newbanditscript.baf IF Global("TazokSays","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Raiken",DestroySelf()) END >>>>>>>> EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar2400.bcs~ ~newbanditscript.baf~
I noticed in the new build that BANDIT44 and BANDIT22 are now BANDIT444 and BANDIT222. LOL what is going on there? Anyway, the code above will need to be changed so it can find the extra number.
I'll go ahead and change the numbers.
The crash with Xan turned out to be also a patch thing.
I don't know if there is any other remaining issue with this.
Confirmed fixed?
Here are a few fixes. Mostly duplicates.
// Remove Duplicates COPY_EXISTING ~tazok.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea())~ ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",EscapeArea())~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG // Remove Duplicates (removes wait() as that delays the cut scene and give the option to talk to Teven/Raiken to delay the cut scene even further - this is bad) COPY_EXISTING ~teven.dlg~ ~override~ ~raiken.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY EXACT_MATCH ~Wait(2) Shout(2) Wait(2)~ ~~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG //Fixes so the initiator bandit from the cut scene will MoveToPoint as soon as Tazok turns hostile COPY_EXISTING ~teven.bcs~ ~override~ ~raiken.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~MoveToPoint(\[1042.1249\]) Face(14) ActionOverride("Banditcr",MoveToPoint(\[1021.1309\])) ActionOverride("Banditcr",Face(15))~ ~ActionOverride("Banditcr",MoveToPoint([1021.1309])) ActionOverride("Banditcr",Face(15)) MoveToPoint([1042.1249]) Face(14)~ COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES