Bard armor
Member Posts: 44
is there any in bgee
Thats the best armour you can get for a bard.
I don't know about the one in the game, but if it's a simple AC 5 elven chain, it's just as simple to cast the spell "armor", ac 6.
Before the advent of elven chain, just learn the Armor spell, and use it in lieu of armor until such time as the chain drops or you console it in.
Elven chainmail is's 1 better then armor, and you could use the +2 RoP with it later for the same overall AC as the +2 chainmail. You could do better still with spirit armor, but it's not really needed at that point.
I still prefer the idea of being able to wear elven chain to save a spell slot and not to have to buff for "ordinary" encounters
Base AC = 5
vs. Missile: +0
vs. Blunt: +2
vs. Piercing: +0
vs. Slashing: -2
So against blunt, it's actually only AC 7, but against slashing it's AC3...
Details here:
Now in 3rd edition, shield DOES create a shield bonus which stacks with an armor bonus.