BTW a fighter/mage (or Bard with a Buckler) can of course use a physical shield (the item) with either the Armour or Shield spell, and this *does* stack
Even though tower-shields have the largest arcane spell failure chance. *grumblegrumble* No feats to offset. *grumblegrumble* Not true to P&P. *grumble*
BTW a fighter/mage (or Bard with a Buckler) can of course use a physical shield (the item) with either the Armour or Shield spell, and this *does* stack
Even though tower-shields have the largest arcane spell failure chance. *grumblegrumble* No feats to offset. *grumblegrumble* Not true to P&P. *grumble*
There's a component in BG 2 Tweaks that sorts this and other armour effects on casting