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When to go to Durlag's Tower

Is there a "good" time to go to Durlag's tower? What level should I be?
Is there a logical point to abandon my quest for Sarevok to clear the evil from Durlag's tower?


  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I always go when I have a thief with 100 open locks and 100 find traps. By that time the rest of my party should be able to not die off one missed trap.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I have everything in the game cleared except for Candlekeep 2.0 and am just now clearing Durlag's (party is between 7 and 9). It's harder getting in than it is inside. Use a thief to uncover the zone and pick the traps and you'll be fine.
  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    The correct answer is, "As soon as you can handle it." This will vary greatly based on many variables that we have no way of defining in your game. In my experience, if you can kill one of the Helmed Horrors on the path outside the tower, you can probably clear all the upper floors, and probably the first two lower floors as well. The boss can be pretty mean, but there are tactics to kill him even at very low levels. There is nothing stopping you from leaving anytime you want, so why not try it and find out?
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Whenever you feel like it.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    I usually go there at about party level 7. If you know all the tricks of the trade you could probably handle it earlier. From the sounds of it though you are a beginner so a good place to start, I think, would be lvl 7+. One of the benefits of being level 7 is that there are plenty of lvl 4-5 scrolls for your mages in there. Another tip: The best place to start Durlag's tower is actually Ulgoth's Beard as there are a lot of tie-in quests there that enhance your experience in the tower. On top of that there is something called the mage dungeon in Ulgoth's. That is a good place to test your ability. If you need help with traps then stock up on potions of perception in High Hedge and Erdane store(at the tower) first.
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    I would recommend going at level 7 but you could go as early as level 5 as long as you hav a thief with 100 find traps (there are potions of theivery that can help with open locks so 100 isnt necessary.)

    Defensive harmony, haste, prot from evil '10, and the spell that clears cloudkill are all very helpful..

    Make sure you got a mage with fireball or wands of fire because it makes the chess battle much easier
  • AlsnAlsn Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2012
    In general, I go there either really early to clear the upper levels(battle horrors can be killed with magic missile spam if you don't yet have +2 weapons). Or very late in the game such that I can clear it all in one go.

    The former is typically when I need something from the upper levels, say the staff/spear +2 with a staff wielder or the tome if I'm playing some type of cleric. Most of the upper levels can be disarmed by a level 2 or 3 Imoen with maxed find traps(the first thing I always do when I bring Imoen is max traps so that I don't need to care about it for the rest of the game)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I would recommend level 7. I am doing it the earliest I have with some peeps at level 6 and it's actually going surprisingly smoothly, but the only reason I went in at level 6 is because holy crap this party is strong. (Cavalier charname, Yeslick, Khalid, Alora, Neera, Quayle)
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