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"... but its iPad incarnation suffers from wonky controls that make the simplest actions a chore".

its not all that bad, really.

Some doors are a pain, some very small places where some loot is well hidden too... but...
What you guuys think?


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    They liked the pc version. Having not played it on the iPad, I'm not exactly in a position to judge.
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225
    Yeah, they gave 8 to the pc version, but 6 to the ipad one.

  • doomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoom Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2012
    It's a quick port of a game that wasn't designed to be played on touchscreen devices with a finger, so what a big surprise the control is awful.

    I suspect the experience would be actually better on the cheapest noname tablet with a resistive display but with a sharp stylus. How's that android port coming along...

    Did they even bother to put in a button alternative to the TAB key though? The review says no highlights on mouse over (duh). Having to click around blindly on everything is balls in this day and age. The bad kind of oldschool.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Yes there is a "tab" button. It has some quirks, but as I've grown used to it they get easier to deal with. The iPad version is very playable and loads of fun.
  • doomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoom Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2012
    What they should have done is make the tab function not only highlight containers, but display all possible mouseovers too (like NPC names, stairs and such).
    I wouldn't mind that on the PC version too, actually.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @doomdoomdoom turn the feedback option up and pause the game, you get all npcs with circles. that plus tab is almost what you're asking, and I believe I read that they're planning to implement some sort of visual effect around doors/stairs etc for the tablet users.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    To be honest, BGEE for iPad was probably released a month or two too early. With the latest patches coming online, the much needed tweaks, fixes, and touch adaptation features are being implemented. So I'd say their review was needlessly harsh. Lets consider, this game is absolutely huge and complex, not to mention ancient, and was developed on a modest budget. There are A-list titles on iPad that pale in comparison.
  • doomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoom Member Posts: 89
    @agris ya I know, and use pause for that purpose also. But what I'd like is those features from tab and pause combined into one button. And like I said, it still doesn't show NPC names (still need mouse over everyone in the crowd to find that one dude with a name) or area transition spots (some stairs are pretty hard to click on especially when there's a staircase going up and down right next to each other, and even harder to notice sometimes).
    If there's already a convenience feature in the game, then might as well make it right.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    You don't play a game like this on the ipad for superior game play.

    You play a game like this on the ipad for accessibility.
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2012
    moopy said:

    You play a game like this on the ipad for accessibility.

    Well, my friend Alexandre disagrees. He suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis and found the mouse (and keyboard) far more accessible input devices than a tablet. I know it's probably not the type of "accessibility" you were meaning. You probably meant "convenient". Which frankly, I also disagree. But naturally for different reasons.

    In any case I couldn't help but take the chance. You'd be surprised at the physical problems the touchscreen input can bring to both healthy and unhealthy people. Accessibility being such in vogue in present times has been otherwise surreptitiously and conveniently wiped out from any tablet discussion/review.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    Just because some people have a hard time using a touchscreen, doesn't mean it isn't more accessible than a pc or laptop.

    I hate touchscreens and tablets, thus I don't own one, but they are easier to take with you on trips etc...

    If you are trying to argue that an ipad isn't easier to access for the majority of people than a pc or laptop then you are trolling.
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2012
    @moopy, of course I'm not trying to argue any of that! That would be just silly.

    But accessibility has a perfectly well delineated definition. And nothing is more accessible if it has more accessibility problems.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    So the accessibility of a tablet should be removed from the discussion, yet for the majority of people a tablet is more accessible than a pc or laptop when not at home?

  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    Oh please. I'm arguing with a child. *Removing myself from this*
  • ChurchOfBooChurchOfBoo Member Posts: 82
    A few minor issues to iron out, sure, but I'm a fan. I like it. I like the new content, I've found workarounds for the minor control problems. I play it all the time, I love it and I'm totally happy and know that they are still working to make it even better. Anyone who doesn't like it can go play something else and miss out on the glory of buttkicking for goodness.
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    shock horror IGNORANCE didn't like something that wasn't flashy.
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    Ffs IGN not ignorance
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Ignorance sounds like a reasonable name for one of the shittiest reviewers known in history.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    The point I made very clearly, was that the fact that tablets are more accessible to a majority of people and that can't be denied.

    So claiming it can't be called more accessible because more people in more situations have access to it that way because for a minority it is not accessible. Is like claiming roads aren't accessible because they don't work great for blind people.

    I did nothing childish, I only pointed out your logical fallacies and laughed when you contradicted yourself.

    I understand that you believe that something that weights < 1.5 lbs and can fit in a book sleeve can't be called more accessible than a desktop computer because a minority of people can't use them well, but that position is laughable.

    I'm not great with tablets, nor do I like them, so for me a desktop or laptop is much more enjoyable and easier for me to use. That doesn't make a tablet less accessible.

    The definition of accessible according to Webster.

    1) providing access

    Well, BG1 already existed for pcs but now it exists on the ipad as well. It has quite literally provided access to ipad owners that don't use pcs. Thus it is now providing more access than it did before.

    2) capable of being reached

    I don't really need to go back over the <1.5 lbs fits in a book sleeve is easier to reach in all non home situations again do I?

    To reiterate, just because it doesn't provide more access for me, you, or your friend, doesn't mean it isn't more accessible by a majority of people in all situations.

    And secondly, don't call someone childish because they laugh at your laughable position that twists the definition of a word as it applies to your specific situation and not the majority of the people that will be reached.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    You're both right,but argueing different points with the same word.
    One is saying the game is more accessible because the tablet's small size means you can play it anywhere and on multiple devices.
    The other is argueing the user friendliness (also known as accessibility) of the touch screen in combination with the game.

    They're seperate issues and (in my opinion) both true. Gaining access to the game in the train or whereever on a small tablet is awesome but jabbing my thick fingers at tiny kobolds and buckets is a bit of a chose, lowering accessibility in the gameplay department.
  • darrenkuodarrenkuo Member Posts: 366
    marfig said:

    I'm not surprised. Personally I think very little of tablets ability to emulate games that were design from the ground up to be played with a mouse and a keyboard. There's always concessions and they invariably end up producing either a subpar experience or a completely different game.

    I rather wished such a small team as Overhaul dedicated themselves to offer the game as Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition on the PC. And not waste time on Baldur's Gate: Not Enhanced Ported Edition version on tablets.

    If they can dedicate themselves for BG-EE would be great , but actually they need to survive by this game

    $20 , still need be paid to IP holder , so who knows how many profit they can get ,

    If they die , means BG-EE / BG2-EE die, no choice,

  • KietzelKietzel Member Posts: 40
    IGN? aren't they those who gave Dragon Age 2 a perfect 10/10 upon release?
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    It's just too easy to talk shit about IGN... mostly because they've given us ample opportunity at almost every turn.
  • JamesJames Member Posts: 110
    Just got mine on the ipad not nearly as bad as that review would lead you to believe, but definitely in need of some fine tuning
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    I meant to be taking on both points, which is what I originally meant.

    NO one should be playing this game on ipad for user friendliness. The user friendliness of the PC for this type of application can't be matched by a touch screen.

    And as to my originally point, I don't feel the lack of user friendliness (which should be a given, given the nature of this game) should warrant a rating of 6, given the larger point is to give you access to BG where you wouldn't have it.

    The idea being more of a I can run a play through over a month or so here and there 30-60 min at a time on the go, vs I'm going to play this 12 hours straight which should be on a PC. I have a friend that bought both versions for this very reason. One to play at home for long periods, one to play at work on breaks or on the go. (His other reason for buying 2 copies was to support this company)


    I did not know that.
    Kietzel said:

    IGN? aren't they those who gave Dragon Age 2 a perfect 10/10 upon release?



  • KortokKortok Member Posts: 165
    You mean the mouse/keyboard setup is superior to touch screen? Shocking.
  • QuineloeQuineloe Member Posts: 55

    Yeah, they gave 8 to the pc version, but 6 to the ipad one.

    How did they justify an 8 on a game that scored 90+% when it was released?
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