NPC proficiency's make me as sad as xan
Wish the NPC proficiency's actually made sense and weren't just random crap when you pick them up
You basically have to get the NPC's at level 1 to prevent it....or use Shadow Keeper which is lame as hell. Just picked up Shar-Teel at level 4 and she has one point in Dagger, Crossbow, Longsword and 2 points in Two-Weapon Style...
The NPC proficiency's in Vanilla BG were so much more straight forward, you would never pick up an NPC with wild surged proficiency's. It's like the makers of BGTutu hate Sword and Shield style or something and want to shove dual wielding down your throat lol
had to get that off my chest. k feel better now
You basically have to get the NPC's at level 1 to prevent it....or use Shadow Keeper which is lame as hell. Just picked up Shar-Teel at level 4 and she has one point in Dagger, Crossbow, Longsword and 2 points in Two-Weapon Style...
The NPC proficiency's in Vanilla BG were so much more straight forward, you would never pick up an NPC with wild surged proficiency's. It's like the makers of BGTutu hate Sword and Shield style or something and want to shove dual wielding down your throat lol
had to get that off my chest. k feel better now
Anyway, @EnterHaerDalis I agree that the best way to deal with NPC proficiencies (and thief skill distribution...) is to get them early and train them yourself.
And really...there's 2 wands of fire you can get immediately to take care of all your archer killing needs for the rest of the game (or at least to tide you over till you can get the boots of avoidance, and the +3 ac vs missile belt for your front man). Or drop a sleep in the middle of them. If you're not scouting ahead, no amount of wasted points in S/S will save ya, cause the enemies will just get a string of crits or high rolls, just to annoy you.
Or you've fallen in love with Haer Dalis and Valygar far more than I
In BG2, where there's a lot more emphasis on magic, S & SS isn't worth investing in IMO.
a kobold just 1 hitted XAN!!!!!!
I picked him up at level 4. He had 8/12 HP and a Kobold took him out with a single strike. Standard Rules. AMAAZING
Some folks like to dual-class Shar-Teel to Thief. I wonder if that's what the Beamdog devs were thinking...
It does kind of make for an interesting challenge to have her dual-wield a Long Sword and Dagger. I know there's a poison dagger in the game that's pretty potent. I'm not sure about whether any new enchanted Long Swords have been added, I'm still in chapter 5 and haven't seen any new ones yet.
With a dagger in the off-hand, does the high speed factor of the dagger significantly help Shar-Teel out in melee?
If she's dualed to Thief and backstabs with the Dagger of Venom in the offhand, the poison damage is going to continue to do it's thing as she continues her assault.
I'm honestly not seeing the random here.
Also worth noting that with no penalty for your primary hand, Two-Weapon Style's -4 penalty is actually peanuts for a Warrior class (It basically offsets Sherry's +2 to hit from Strength and the +2 from the Dagger of Venom, meaning "only" a THAC0 of 13), even less meaningful when you include mastery. A free attack than has a greater than 50% chance of hitting is increasing both your maximum damage and the reliability of your damage, as well as making it more likely you can disrupt spellcasting.
Her and Dorn have been in my current game from the moment I could recruit them and she has the most kills to her name by a long shot. Her character is high damage output low defence, two weapon fighting with the icy longsword and dagger of venom work well with that.
Alternatively, get her up to level 7, then dual her to Thief. Add her 2 starting thief pips into different weapons to improve her versatility (Single Weapon and some ranged weapon or something), and then level her up to Thief level 3 and then stop until she has 70,000 Exp. When you level her from there she'll instantly reactive her Fighter pips and you'll have 2 free pips to Specialise/Master Daggers or Longswords with.
Not that Mastery on your offhand is very relevant.