There are ways to lower saves and enemies in BG1 have bad saves anyway. Saying that, I'd rather spend my level 1 slots on Sleep for disabling effects and on Magic Missile later in the game for the damage.
Yeah, in the BG series it's only really effective after you've tossed some save-lowering debuffs at the target. Once you've done so, however, it's an instant-kill spell that only takes up a level 1 slot.
It's more useful in IWD2, in my opinion, since in that ruleset it is dodged rather than resisted. This means that, while it doesn't work well on humanoids, it's almost a guaranteed stun/paralyze/stone/kill on giantkin and other large foes.
Honestly the spell is of little importance in BG1. Yes, I use it, but that's simply because I'm a fanboy of its power in ToB. (The ability to petrify a target is just SO cool to see - other than the fact that you don't get to loot any goods....)
Magic Missiles is actually very much the stronger in BG1, so take that and you should be fine. Sleep is alright, but easily replaced by many more useful spells after chapter 1.
Sleep is never replaced till BG2. It's effectively a death spell to most generic bandits, spiders, wolves, ogres, hobgoblins, kobolds, gnolls. Which either hit hard or come in large groups. The only enemies it falters against are named enemies and the handful of monsters greater then 4+3 HD. And by then you should be stocking up on blinds and spooks. The -3 save penalty ensures that it almost never fails as long as the target is within the HD limit.
I don't use CO because of that save bonus..yes, if you slap glitterdust, doom, and GM on something, it has a decent chance of working....if only works on enemies who probably would've died from the damage anyway. And that's a lot of spells and work just for the CHANCE at a instant-kill. Damage-wise MM blows it out of the water, and in reliability too. (still prefer blind or spook myself though).
Because poison damage will interupt it, and it takes just long enough you can't cast it on yourself while poisoned...when it's on another person, it's ok, but it's useless if you're solo. Of course, crowd control that doesn't take up any spells slots beats SP hands down, so horror is often the best possible choice. (back when you got ghoul touch instead of was a bit harder to choose...mostly depending on your class)
I agree with what others are saying about level one spellbook slots eventually no longer having to be spent on Sleep. Sleep will eventually get replaced with Emotion: Hopelessness. Similarly, Charm Person will get replaced in my spellbook with Dire Charm. And so on.
Early in the game my essential level 1 wizard spells are Sleep, Blindness, and Charm Person (and Armor when playing a Fighter-Mage). But by the end of BG1 I'm ready to start using Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb at level 1 in addition to Blindness. At some point in BG2 enemies usually save against Sleep and Charm Person anyway, and the higher level versions of those spells make them irrelevant.
Chromatic Orb is mostly championed by people who use the level-based save-lowering mechanic from BG Tweaks, which is a popular mod. In that format, by level 16 you're looking at a +3 save bonus, and that plus Greater Malison make for a very nice level 1 spell with a death effect.
Early in the game my essential level 1 wizard spells are Sleep, Blindness, and Charm Person (and Armor when playing a Fighter-Mage). But by the end of BG1 I'm ready to start using Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb at level 1 in addition to Blindness.
Spook is a level 1 spell single-target Horror with a level-based save penalty (though I think it caps at -3) and no hit dice limit.
Horror doesn't have a hit dice limit either, of course, but that's a level 2 spell.
Still, at any level, it's hard to beat the reliability of Magic Missile. It's just a little vanilla, you know?
The only 'touch' spell I'd ever consider is Vampiric Touch, and that functions more like an advanced hybrid of Burning Hands and Larloch's Drain rather than an on melee hit.
Because it's suicidal for the typical mage build. It only takes one kobold to roll a 20 to end your fun. A fighter/mage could use it effectively, I guess.
I like how this thread turned from a near universal agreement that there is no big fuss about chromatic orb into a large debate about the relative merits of chromatic orb.
Caster's have good saves vs spells (which the orb is), warriors don't...but are still good enough with that huge honking bonus, you'll need to debuff them just to have a chance...or if you're throwing it at enemies that will die from the damage regardless.
It's more useful in IWD2, in my opinion, since in that ruleset it is dodged rather than resisted. This means that, while it doesn't work well on humanoids, it's almost a guaranteed stun/paralyze/stone/kill on giantkin and other large foes.
Magic Missiles is actually very much the stronger in BG1, so take that and you should be fine. Sleep is alright, but easily replaced by many more useful spells after chapter 1.
I don't use CO because of that save bonus..yes, if you slap glitterdust, doom, and GM on something, it has a decent chance of working....if only works on enemies who probably would've died from the damage anyway. And that's a lot of spells and work just for the CHANCE at a instant-kill. Damage-wise MM blows it out of the water, and in reliability too. (still prefer blind or spook myself though).
Early in the game my essential level 1 wizard spells are Sleep, Blindness, and Charm Person (and Armor when playing a Fighter-Mage). But by the end of BG1 I'm ready to start using Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb at level 1 in addition to Blindness. At some point in BG2 enemies usually save against Sleep and Charm Person anyway, and the higher level versions of those spells make them irrelevant.
Horror doesn't have a hit dice limit either, of course, but that's a level 2 spell.
Still, at any level, it's hard to beat the reliability of Magic Missile. It's just a little vanilla, you know?
I think OP has won a small victory here.