Lothander quest

Anyone else having problems completing the Lothander quest on the iPad version? He's nowhere to be found. I got the scroll to remove the geas. He's not at the fortune teller's tent, nor at the inn where he is suppose to be on the 2nd floor. He's nowhere to be found.
If this were PC I could just cheat to spawn him, but I can't do that on the iPad... help?? My party is going to die in a few days if this doesn't get resolved.
If this were PC I could just cheat to spawn him, but I can't do that on the iPad... help?? My party is going to die in a few days if this doesn't get resolved.
I realize that doesn't help most of you who don't own two copies of the game. Hopefully the upcoming patch to the iPad will fix this problem.
If I were you I'd save a backup copy of your current game NOW before the 1.2 patch arrives. If you don't get Lothander when you load up your game via 1.2, you might consider loading up your backup and try to load it into the original game and see if you can get him to spawn. Or, honestly, I think I'd try to get him to spawn prior to loading the 1.2 patch if you have the resources.
So first, the quest should be fixed via the 1.2 patch, HOWEVER there may be a problem that if you've already gotten to Lothandar and he's not there, the patch MAY NOT fix it. That's not official, just how a lot of the patch fixing is working right now (once the trigger for any given piece happens, the patch can't fix the trigger...chicken an egg scenario and all that).
@Troodon80: Can you help here? Do you know the CLUA Command to Spawn Lothander and whether or not there'd need to be a global set to get past this? I'm suspecting we'd just need to spawn Lothandar and the quest could continue from there.
@Blfsh3, how far through the quest have you been able to go? There are a number of variables dependant on what stage in the quest you were. I'm not sure how this will work on the iPad.
At first it happened as it was supposed to, after ten days. Then I just kept reloading save games and it started happening less and less. And it also happened straight away if I completed a quest or started a new one, but even that stopped. I completed the game yesterday!
I have no idea how it happened, but I just said I'd update you all anyway.