Skeleton in Durlags Tower

In the main room when you first go in. There is an NPC skeleton that doesn't speak to you.
It doesn't do anything. If you attack it it explodes into chunks.
What is the purpose to it? Is it a BIG Spoiler here....? I killed it anyway. I hope it isn't something important.
It doesn't do anything. If you attack it it explodes into chunks.
What is the purpose to it? Is it a BIG Spoiler here....? I killed it anyway. I hope it isn't something important.
Anyway fun fact: It is a petrified skeleton.
You felt sorry for a skeleton and tried to protect it w/ otiluke's sphere? There is too much awsome there for me to comprehend.
Your comment just demon-kighted into my mind and let go a fireball.
Needless to say the skeleton wasn't very talkative even after saving his undead life.
EDIT: Wow ninja'd. What the hell
I don't think so. It is supposed to be just a skeleton. Not animated undead or something. Just remains of an unlucky adventurer that reminds the player that Durlag's tower does not joke around. (Being fireballed by a demonknigt on entrance level further enhances this message too!)