[Mod] TeamBG's Armor Pack for BG:EE, BG2EE, BGT & TuTu

TeamBG's Armor Pack
Information For Baldur's Gate2: Enhanced Edition
This is the first installation of the "pack" mods that I will be making
for Baldur's Gate2: Enhanced Edition. This mod is an armor pack. There is a
dwarf, Kurtz Goldenaxe, who is at Waukeen's Promenade. He will
sell you these armors. Some of the armors are color variations of what you
find in the game and some of them are new. The magical armors are expensive
so you will have to save a lot of gold to buy them.
Discussion and information about the mod.
Download location
Version History:
V1.01 9/8/14
Added Polish translation thanks to Cahir
Added .tra files for translations.
Updated to Weidu 236
First release
Information For Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
This is the first installation of the "pack" mods that I will be making
for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. This mod is an armor pack. There is a
dwarf, Kurtz Goldenaxe, who is outside of the Friendly Arm Inn who will
sell you these armors. Some of the armors are color variations of what you
find in the game and some of them are new. The magical armors are expensive
so you will have to save a lot of gold to buy them.
Discussion and information about the mod.
Download location
Version History:
V1.05 8/18/14
Added Polish translation thanks to Cahir
V1.04 8/15/14
Added .tra files for translations.
Updated to Weidu 236
V1.03 5/19/13
Fixed the Boots of Evasion - The useability settings still were not correct.
Fixed the Boots of Quickness - The useability settings were not correct.
Removed the "Not Useable By:" text since the EE items have a heading that automatically fills that in.
V1.02 5/5/13
Fixed the Boots of Evasion - The useability settings were not correct.
V1.01 1/7/13
Fixed the usability settings on the Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3
Fixed the unidentified text of the Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3
Changed the store so you can't steal.
New cross platform for BG:EE, BGT and Tutu
First release
Where the new store clerk is at in the Friendly Arm Inn.

Visit TeamBG for all of your modding needs. Mods for BG, BG2, IWD, IWD2, BG:EE. We have a large source of tutorials on how to mod and modding tools!
We also host mods! Bring your BG, BG2, IWD, IWD2, BG:EE mods to us. Free area on the message board and space to download your mod.
TeamBG http://www.teambg.net/ "Still Building Worlds"
TeamBG http://www.teambg.org/ Modding news
http://teambg.info/ A site that takes you back into the history of IE modding.
Information For Baldur's Gate2: Enhanced Edition
This is the first installation of the "pack" mods that I will be making
for Baldur's Gate2: Enhanced Edition. This mod is an armor pack. There is a
dwarf, Kurtz Goldenaxe, who is at Waukeen's Promenade. He will
sell you these armors. Some of the armors are color variations of what you
find in the game and some of them are new. The magical armors are expensive
so you will have to save a lot of gold to buy them.
Discussion and information about the mod.
Download location
Version History:
V1.01 9/8/14
Added Polish translation thanks to Cahir
Added .tra files for translations.
Updated to Weidu 236
First release
Information For Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
This is the first installation of the "pack" mods that I will be making
for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. This mod is an armor pack. There is a
dwarf, Kurtz Goldenaxe, who is outside of the Friendly Arm Inn who will
sell you these armors. Some of the armors are color variations of what you
find in the game and some of them are new. The magical armors are expensive
so you will have to save a lot of gold to buy them.
Discussion and information about the mod.
Download location
Version History:
V1.05 8/18/14
Added Polish translation thanks to Cahir
V1.04 8/15/14
Added .tra files for translations.
Updated to Weidu 236
V1.03 5/19/13
Fixed the Boots of Evasion - The useability settings still were not correct.
Fixed the Boots of Quickness - The useability settings were not correct.
Removed the "Not Useable By:" text since the EE items have a heading that automatically fills that in.
V1.02 5/5/13
Fixed the Boots of Evasion - The useability settings were not correct.
V1.01 1/7/13
Fixed the usability settings on the Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3
Fixed the unidentified text of the Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3
Changed the store so you can't steal.
New cross platform for BG:EE, BGT and Tutu
First release
Where the new store clerk is at in the Friendly Arm Inn.

Visit TeamBG for all of your modding needs. Mods for BG, BG2, IWD, IWD2, BG:EE. We have a large source of tutorials on how to mod and modding tools!
We also host mods! Bring your BG, BG2, IWD, IWD2, BG:EE mods to us. Free area on the message board and space to download your mod.
TeamBG http://www.teambg.net/ "Still Building Worlds"
TeamBG http://www.teambg.org/ Modding news
http://teambg.info/ A site that takes you back into the history of IE modding.
Post edited by CoM_Solaufein on
I'm already working on the next item pack.
If you see somethink that you think its too powerfull just dont buy that item, the part i like the most are the +2 elven armor .. ca 3 , not that great , but you will love it with multi/dual mages in the game that i feal have little equipment ...
The other great armors are powerfull but with anghteck stakking with rings of protection you will get similar ac
PD: @CoM_Solaufein There is a bug with an armor that dont work for mages (just multi) that can be used by sorcerers (the one with custom icon)
1/ readme says to backup chitin.key, but to what purpose? it only talks about moving the dialog.tlk back and forth between directories, but not the chitin.key?
2/ will the merchant appear in one of my current saved games? if not, will I be able to continue playing my saved game or will the mod mess it up?
3/ how do you disinstall the mod?
The merchant should appear during any saved game. The picture posted above is from a saved game where I visited the Friendly Arm before I even installed the mod.
You uninstall by double clicking the SETUP-BGeeAR.exe
Elven Chain +2
Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3
Ashen Scales +2
Elven Chain Mail +3
Elemental Plate Mail Armor
Dwarven Mithral Field Plate Armor +2
Wyvern Plate Mail
Durlag's Full Plate +2
And there are other non-magical armors that have different colors on your character.
I tested it with Tutu and it installed without fail. I don't know about BGT since I don't have it. Really shouldn't be a problem.
Also fixed the problems with the Elven Chain of the Hand and made his store so you can't steal.