Does your party suffer from insomnia?

Let's see if this is a familiar scenario to anyone else or if it's just me. My party is on the verge of death, with even their toughest and meanest front line fighters in single-digit hit points. All healing potions have been used long ago, and there are no cure spells left. Everyone complains about fatigue, what with having traveled for days and gotten Hasted. Do I sleep?
What, you kidding? My wizard still has a fireball, I've got both my kais to use, the thief has like three traps to set, and the cleric hasn't animated dead or found use to all her protective spells! All those things will go to waste if I sleep now! I must go on until it's absolutely necessary to rest.
It would honestly make my game a lot easier if I did sleep, but I'm just stubborn.
What, you kidding? My wizard still has a fireball, I've got both my kais to use, the thief has like three traps to set, and the cleric hasn't animated dead or found use to all her protective spells! All those things will go to waste if I sleep now! I must go on until it's absolutely necessary to rest.
It would honestly make my game a lot easier if I did sleep, but I'm just stubborn.
It's much easier to get your fireball spells back (like you do when you rest) than it is to get your frontliners rezzed because you decided to attack Aec'letec with 3 HP left.
Generally when travelling if they are fatigued i would let them rest, but when doing a mission or a dungeon they could go for a loooong while without sleep, to the point I try to "waste" my spells even on small time pray :P
At the same time, sometimes my party will have a duvet day and just rest over and over again, typically when I've decided to stop and spam identify on everything I own.
In high school, when a friend and I were really into BG, I remember him asking me how many hours my game was at. When I told him, he said something like "Ugh, you let your party REST?" So that's always in my mind and now my party suffers for it.
I think my party didnt rest for the entire 2 or 3 bottom levels. and they were hurting pretty bad :P
only rested once i got to the door before the end boss
If you can manage 50 sit ups a day can you do 100 tomorrow if you don't do your 50 today?
I can kind of see where you think it's a waste if you still have other spells and things you have not used, but honestly, it doesn't sound smart to me. If you have not run into enemies worth using the spell on then it's not a waste if it wasn't going to be used anyway, and regardless of if you have used it or not, you will still have it after you sleep. Further more, without knowing what kind of fight you're going to get into, having a fatigued and bloodied party can be a high risk.