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Help with dual-classing proficiencies.

It's been a while since I played anything that used the 2nd edition ruleset, so if anyone can jog my memory here I'd appreciate it. I was planning on starting up a fighter, take him to level 7 and then dual-classing him into a mage and import him into BG2. What I can't remember is how his fighter weapon proficiensies behave when he becomes a mage (as in, when his mage levels catch up to his fighter levels). If I put, for example, two proficiency points into a weapon mages can't normally use such as a crossbow, will he be able to use crossbows as a mage?


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Yes, he will:) Moreover, right now he can even put futher proficiency points after he "remembers" his fighter abilities (I call it "dual-class loop").
  • KriegerKrieger Member Posts: 40
    Ooh, exploitable. Thanks a lot.
  • LugeLuge Member Posts: 90
    Not quite. You can't layer points like that, as far as I recall.

    If when your fighter is level 7 you have 2 points in daggers, you dual class, then your proficiencies are set to zero. If you then 1 point in daggers as a mage, you will NOT get 3 points in daggers when your fighter class is re-activated.

    I believe that you CAN place 2 points in daggers as a fighter, dual class, wait until you hit level 8 as a mage, and then add one point to the already existing 2 points. But you have to wait until the class is re-activated.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I didn't say he can put futher proficiency points while he didn't remember his fighter class. For this period you should put pips elsewhere.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    bengoshi said:

    Yes, he will:) Moreover, right now he can even put futher proficiency points after he "remembers" his fighter abilities (I call it "dual-class loop").

    I've always thought this sounds like a bug, but is it?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Well, there was a vast discussion about it not long ago somewhere. It matters how you understand the phrase "fighter abilities" - I see it as an ability to master your weapon of choice and don't think it's a bug. If you're against it, just don't put the third pip after you gained your fighter abilities back.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    bengoshi said:

    Well, there was a vast discussion about it not long ago somewhere. It matters how you understand the phrase "fighter abilities" - I see it as an ability to master your weapon of choice and don't think it's a bug. If you're against it, just don't put the third pip after you gained your fighter abilities back.

    Yeah, I guess, it still seems a little *wrong* as once you've dual-classed you shouldn't really be able to improve using perks of the previous class (like putting more points into a weapon that your new class wouldn't allow, though it makes sense that existing points put in should count).
  • SultanPSultanP Member Posts: 15
    Doesn't seem more wrong than a character forgetting everything he knows about being a fighter, just because he's decided to start doing mage stuff. From one minute to the next he can go from expert swordsman to forgetting which end goes in the bad guys, and which end to hold.
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