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What do you expect from new characters in BG2EE?

I've been having a blast with BGEE but I can't help but wonder what we'll get for the next game. There are some things I expect about new characters:

1) A single classed thief. Could be an elven assassin. Coule be evil, as well.
2) A romanceable gnome or halfling. All don't the shorties get any love?
3) A fighter/mage.

I imagine we'll only be getting #1, but dreaming is free. :D


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    #1 has been confirmed already. Evil female single class thief and I think assassin.
  • IronThroneOfBhaalIronThroneOfBhaal Member Posts: 24
    stygga said:

    #1 has been confirmed already. Evil female single class thief and I think assassin.

    Aw I'm gonna have to dump poor Neera
  • KortokKortok Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2012
    stygga said:

    #1 has been confirmed already. Evil female single class thief and I think assassin.

    Really? I certainly hope so because BG2 desperately needs an evil thief. I could finally make an evil PC as a class other than thief.

    Also, I expect another dwarf npc. Horribly underrepresented in the series.
  • BG_ZeroBG_Zero Member Posts: 23
    A evil pure theif would/will be great in BG2, seeing as most theives are in the good(Immy while a theif/mage is very passable for a theif) side of things and Jan is.......well not as good as Edwin or Immy imo. A good pure theif would also be a nice touch but isn't as badly needed.
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Maybe it would be better to have an evil multi-class mage-thief instead of a pure thief: mages are never enough. Or it may be a multi-class cleric-thief.
    I've got a feeling this new NPC should be multi-class because we already have three new single-class NPCs. I expect something new from the Devs.
    And in BG2, much more than in BG1, a party needs multi-classed characters.
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    A cleric/thief, fighter/thief would be better (or a human who can be dualled) since there are already 3 mage/thieves in BG2. Human with dual class option is better IMHO
    BTW i consider Jan Jansen as evil :P so not really hard on aligment therefore ^^
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    In fact, there's only one multi-class mage-thief - Jan. And from his personal quest I consider him ... neutral;) at least, not evil.
    Nalia and Imoen are mages, and they cannot be evil, they can't be backstabbers, their thief skills are below par, they don't get UAI HLA...
    A new multi-class mage-thief would be not only a much needed thief, but also an additional mage. One more, different evil mage (from Edwin).
    I'm not against a multi-class cleric-thief as my previous post said.
    But a new multi-class fighter-thief in BG2 in my opinion is not so special as an assasin and we already have enough fighters. In particular, Valygar.
    Multi mage-thief (or multi cleric-thief) > Assasin > multi fighter-thief.
    And about dual-class - how this NPC will alter Nalia and Imoen?
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    =Spoilers for who havent played BG2. Go play now if you still haven't...=

    Imoen does her thieving job well enough with some help form knock, potions of power/mastery and since she is our sister a good character for cannon with some decent barter. And if remember right she wont leave, even partys rep. goes below 2(i may be wrong) These make her a decent thief(and a good mage) for any party along with turnip-lover Jan.(i still think he is evul :))

    Nalia on the other hand, i really dont think anyone actually used her for a long time (or at all) Her thieving abilities are below subpar, not powerfull as Imoen as a mage and she is quite annoying imo.

    Both fail in backstabbing tough, even Jan with all his chatter is better since he got higher multiplier.

    Still i think another mage/thief would be overkill. A pure assassin or something special that CHARNAME cannot be like a dualed ranger/druid-thief or even a decent bard dualed into a thief kit. Or a sorcerer/thief?
    Also we have a wild mageling on her way in BG2!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited December 2012
    For me, an NPC (except a swash) who can't backstab with a good multiplier is not a thief. Those who don't get thief HLAs cannot be called thieves. But to have a single-class thief (even an assasin) in the party of 6 people in BG2 is a waste.
    What a single-class thief can do, multi-class thief can do too. And there're not many mages in BG2 available as an NPC (only Jan, Aerie, Edwin, Nalia, Imoen and now Neera) so another one would be appreciated.
    Well, there're not many clerics either, so it's always a solution.
    But the main thing, from my point of view, is to have a thief who can develop as a thief, and who simultaneously not takes the whole spot in the party. Taking into account we need some mage and (or) cleric, it's quite clear what class a new NPC should have.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2012
    @true_shinken @cyberarmy @bengoshi @Bhaaldog @stygga @IronThroneOfBhaal @Kortok @BG_Zero @TrentOster


    I actually think they should add a wizard slayer to BG2EE with a grudge against Jon Irenicus for an NPC. Someone who's Lawful Neutral at that so it's more of a personal thing than it is an alignment deal. But I think it would be cool to have a Wizard Slayer who has been hunting him for a long time offer to help you, an also have banter where he reacts negatively with spell casters, including you if you are one in your party. (Nothing where he'd leave...but something where he admits to great suspicion of anyone who practices magic)

    If you did the mage stronghold a mountain of great banter could be added too.
    Post edited by Debaser on
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    edited December 2012
    While your idea is quite good, we have already sh!tloads of frontline meatwalls and an assassin or a fighter/thief would make better sense as Thieves Guild is already after Irenicus.
    Or some crazy elven avenger(not as a kit :)) after our ex-elves maybe? Again as an assassin?
    Or a cleric/thief, a former student of Tiax who want to save him from prison :)
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  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Bhaaldog that'd be awesome if it was a halfling Wizard Slayer who wanted revenge for experiments done to his people. Like Bilbo meets the terminator. @cyberarmy I get you want more multi-classes and I agree something like a thief / mage to replace Tiax would be good. But I think of a Wizard Slayer as a really weird class you NEVER see. That's why I think it would be cool, plus storyline wise it'd be awesome to have a Lawful Neutral who's a truly good soldier with a grudge.

    If there's going to be a female assassin and people are clamoring for other thieves, I think getting one kit in there which people wouldn't expect is cool.

    If the Wizard Slayer was human you could dual class to a thief if the stats were fine for it. Which with Use Any Item could be monstrous since you've just overcome the only weakness to the kit.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    Also the Wizard Slayer could in fact suspect Yoshimo of treachery too.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    edited December 2012
    I want a Barbarian (female would be cool), and a Sorcerer. And shorty romances would be nice. Fighter/Mage is... boring. So many people have one as Charname, I don't think it would add that much. I'd rather see the classes represented that haven't been there up until now. As that's what Beamdog did with BG:EE, I have faith that they'll get this right.

    Wizard Slayer/Thief sounds good as well. Tweak the WS kit to make him a viable mage killer, BG2 could use one very well. The thieves that are around are just no backstabbers, except for poor Yoshimo maybe.

    What I believe we do not need is female (half-)elven assassin/swashbuckler/fighter-mage romance meat. There's already enough of that. Put interesting new characters in, and give them romances - please don't split it up between "(mechanically) interesting NPC" and "romance NPC who hasn't anything else going for them".
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    Hopefully since all the engion updates were handedled in BG:EE BG2:EE will have more time for content.
    The good folks need a good claric, the baddys need a thief and scend mage mabay a sorccerer.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I'm really hoping a fighter/mage pops up somewhere. I really like the multiclass, and it bugs me that I have to roll it myself if I want one in my party. This is true of many other multiclasses, as well.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I'm looking forward to the evil female thief in BG2:EE (I haven't read that Assassin was confirmed, honestly I'm hoping for a new thief class, but Assassin would be fine too). I think they mentioned that she will interesting or unique in some way. Personally I think it would be funny to make her an Aasimar, just because, but that is probably my own twisted sense of entertainment.

    Honestly, I just want to be able to have a full-evil party in BG2, which you cannot do (even if you see Jan as evil =P), even in ToB at present. Dorn will make it possible in ToB, and will the addition of mystery woman we can even have one in SoA. I might even have to dump someone for Sarevok for once! (*coughkorgancough*)
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  • OzzyBotkinsOzzyBotkins Member Posts: 396
    A romancable Mazzy would have been great in the original BG2
    I always hoped that it would have beeen a mod
    but BG2:EE should have
    2 more evil characters
    Assasin sounds good
    at least 1 more dwarf character
    a romancable shorty (gnome , Dwarf , Halfling )
    that can only be romanced by a shorty protaginist
  • Sarevok24Sarevok24 Member Posts: 15
    I would like to point out, in BG:EE the new npcs are LG, CE, and TN. they are also from classes that are not represented in BG1/2 so for BG2:EE we will probably get a Sorceror, barbarian, or bard/thief character (yes i know that you get a thief and a bard but the thief dies and their is only one bard character in bg2), and possibly a new kit character, and there will be npc's that are from a wide variety of alignments.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    stygga said:

    #1 has been confirmed already. Evil female single class thief and I think assassin.

    Yep, she's gonna be Evil, Female, Single, and a class thief.
  • HowieHowie Member Posts: 136
    I want to be able to recruit Bodhi :P
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    since almost everyone good or evil wants a pure thief, why make him/her evil? Just make the bloody thief neutral so Everyone can have 1 solid pure thief npc instead of restricting it to evil only.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    since almost everyone good or evil wants a pure thief, why make him/her evil? Just make the bloody thief neutral so Everyone can have 1 solid pure thief npc instead of restricting it to evil only.

    Because you cannot have a full all-evil party until ToB (and then only if you add Dorn).

    Good and neutral parties at least have dual and multiclassed thieves to choose from. Evil has none.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    I'm hoping a human assassin with hight str and int so I can dual her to a mage or fighter.
  • true_shinkentrue_shinken Member Posts: 84
    I don't know if I want to see more kits in BG2EE. Maybe as DLC.
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