Quayle and robes?

I just picked up Quayle and notice that since is isn't a pure-class mage, wizard robes don't show up on him (they just change his clothing color). I'm sick of him wearing a purple jumpsuit, is it possible to change his character model to mage? I was thinking CLUA but have no clue how to do it on BGEE.
Use I believe CTRL+6 (or is it CTRL+7?) to cycle through all the different character models. Stop when you hit MALEGNOMEMAGE or whatever. I did this for Quayle as well.
Just be careful with Quayle though, I seem to recall that GateKeeper (editor used for BG1 before the "enhancement") changed his class from Illusionist/Cleric to standard Mage/Cleric. But this is probably no longer an issue.