Lots of Money...
What do i do with them? Shops do not seem to have useful or better equipment... i have most of the spells i need for my mages and even too many rods...
Is there some "special" seller around?
Is there some "special" seller around?
Just laugh at your enormous stores and the ability to purchase Durlag's tower and Baldur's gate. Mayhaps you could try to buy Seravok and the Iron Throne off......
Sell your wants BACK to the shops when they're under ten charges.
Then buy them back.
I have a wand of Magic Missle with 100 charges on it on both of my mages...no need to even memorize it! =P
Most of the others won't get that many charges, but still it's extremely useful.
I left Durlag's with over 11,000 Gold just from pickups, and 80k after I sold all the tat I picked up.
It's probably more than possible to run through the game never selling anything at all, just pick up magic items you need and actual gold pieces. You might actually have some limits on your funds that way.
Nerf the respawns, and I think you'll start appreciating expensive gear.
By the way, Oh yes they will. So far I've found most wands will charge to 100, only a couple of types are full at 50.
The economy in BG is like in games where you get to distribute stat points but always wind up with enough points to max everything anyways. Why even bother having it?
Point is, I'd rather be struggling to have enough money, but feel really rewarded when I can afford something, than to have more than I know what to do with.
I remember eyeing magic items in the shops and buying them asap to strengthen the weaker party members.. I was not 'solvent' until the end-game. Now we know the structure of the game.
I think this is one of the amazing aspects of BG. It was a challange the first few times through and the game is so dynamic and deep we keep coming back (15 years later).