Archaeological Dig Easter Egg Question (spoilers)

After killing the Doomsayer on the archaelogical site map, is it ever worth exchanging the idol and ancient armour at the Ulcaster Ruins for the (cursed) Vampiric Sword, or is it better to get the XP for returning the armour to the Ghost Knights in the Firewine Ruins? Can the sword be sold for alot of gold, for example? Thanks
Edit: Just do this instead:
There you go; problem solved.
2) If you kill them you can get the reward for retriving the books, the Vampire's Revenge, you can still sell the Idol of Kozah, still complete the quest of the Ancient Armor and get all the cool equipment of the Ghost Knights.
3) If you really feel sorry for the Ghost of some kind of mage, then keep the Ancient Armor for the Ghost Knights quest and sell the Idol of Kozah.
Unless they changed it after my prank xD
I'll take a look at his .cre file when I'll be back from holydays
Leave the chars with poison dmg to attack and go afk. (Dagger of Venom is needed)
By using this trick with Ulcaster and the Ghost Knights you will have greatest equip boost in the whole game.
So yeah, as someone else has said, once you have seen the vampiric sword once you can normally skip doing it and just return the armour as normal.
Maybe it's just because I'm playing a different character in BG:EE than I've tried in original BG1, but it seemed to me in BG:EE that the Doomsayer was much easier to beat than in original BG1 - I just tanked him and he went down after a while, whereas I had to prepare carefully to beat him in original BG1.
I've never seen any value in the Vampiric Sword. A novelty, perhaps worth getting once just to have seen it, but useless and almost worthless. I always take the Ancient Armour to the Ghost Knights for the XP, and sell the Idol of Kozah to Officer Vai for a little gold.
However, I never knew that the Ghost Knights or Ulcaster were killable. Awesome!
Thinking on it just now, if you can make an unarmoured character entirely immune to fire and as poorly armoured as possible, then you could actually use the Blackguard's ability to AOE poison with arrows of detonation to kill all the knights, and notionally Ulcaster too, much more easily by simply shooting your patsy (Garrick would be a good choice) standing next to them. The fireball damage will be harmless, but will automatically spread the damage to the knights/ghost wizard without needing to make a critical hit attack roll.
With the Knights, at 2 arrows per round, dealing a minimum of 12(?) poison damage apiece, and poison lasting a good few rounds (I want to say 5?), you could potentially wipe out the entire set of Ghost Knights with a single poison application and maybe even kill Garrick to boot.
But no need to protect from fire, just stay far.
And leave 1 alive to complete the Ancient Armor quest, the ghosts won't complain for the death of their mates xD
Wish I'd known that a few hours ago