If only he would stop screaming for Boo to go for the eyes every 20 seconds or so. Oh well, I still can't bring myself to off him, though having just started an Evil charname, I suppose.. maybe.
Half of the reason to have Minsc is his enormous carrying capacity. The other half is his endearing personality and awesome crits. Losing a quick slot is no big deal. The 15 CON is his biggest detriment.
The other half is his endearing personality and awesome crits.
It is interesting what you consider to be an "endearing personality," I've gotta say.
He's a bully who tries to kill you if you don't do as he says. As if you're somehow obligated to help him. As if he's entitled to your help. I hate people like that.
Poor boo
He is as random as BG1 Viconia.
15 dex 15 con ... ok... but that's just too weak for me.
Khalid with strength gloves is far better than him.
17 CON 16 DEX ? I'm In !
Ha, and his quick slot item is not occupied by an hamster ...
It's the only way to be sure.