Demon Knight

Is the Demon Knight at the bottom of Durlag's Tower supposed to be a Death Knight or a Cambion ?
If it's the former, why is he not flagged as an undead creature?
Death Knight:
If it's the former, why is he not flagged as an undead creature?
Death Knight:
Death Knights are something altogether different, basically the fighter equivalent of a Lich, though the change usually does grant some forms of spellcasting.
I am certain that this guy is a death knight. The powers he has in game are almost exactly the same ones listed there. Plus he actually says that he is "already dead" when you talk to him. Ergo death knight.
Turn undead should not be an issue as he is too high level for a cleric to turn him in BG1, but The Harrower should hit him at +3
Edit: Actually I don't think being undead is determined by a flag. I think it is more of a race thing.
Undeads like skeletons, ghasts or zombies are 0x4 undead
Also Durlag Doom Guards are flagged as 0xff monsters while they should be either undead (most logical IMO) or humanoid.
A 'bit' more powerful than the Near Infinity editor and feature a pretty nice&easy GUI.
Even the guy of the previous adventurers party says somenthing like "Death itself resides here, now."
On the other side, he has the Soultaker Dagger and serves a *greater evil* (Aec'Letec, probably). Which is typical for demon knights.
But all in all, I think he is a Death one.
Is there an equivalent editor that can be used safely with BGEE ?
E.g. in DLTCEP you just open an item and can edit it ad hoc, while in NE you have to go thru several sub-screens. For checking items/creatures (even editing) and alike I personally prefer Near Infinity myself.
It gives you the information right away too, only changing sub-values is easier in DLTCEP..but I guess it's a matter of personal preference.
I'm not quite sure if Near Infinity (or DLTCEP) requires 'getting mods to work' or if they are just satisfied by having access to the chitin.key. I am using BG-tweaks anyway, so I changed the structure.
Dunno if there is an updated version