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comprehensive list of all classes and kits (compiling guides for them)

LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
In my ongoing project to create a comprehensive BG1(EE) player resource, I'm about to begin assembling (and perhaps writing) guides for all the classes and kits. What I lack at this point is the full list of all possible dual-class creations that the vanilla BG:EE game allows. I'd greatly appreciate if folks could post such a list. Thanking you in advance for any help you can provide!

FYI, here's the list of all classes and kits:

-Berserker (Fighter kit)
-Wizard Slayer (Fighter kit)
-Kensai (Fighter kit)
Strength minimum 9

Ranger (Good only; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Archer (Ranger kit; Good only; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Stalker (Ranger kit; Good only; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Beastmaster (Ranger kit; Good only; human, elf, and half-elf only)
Strength minimum 13
Dexterity minimum 13
Constitution minimum 14
Wisdom minimum 14

-Paladin (human only; Lawful Good only)
-Cavalier (Paladin kit; human only; Lawful Good only)
-Inquisitor (Paladin kit; human only; Lawful Good only)
-Undead Hunter (Paladin kit; human only; Lawful Good only)
-Blackguard (Paladin kit; human only; Evil only)*
Strength minimum 12
Constitution minimum 9
Wisdom minimum 13
Charisma minimum 17
Strength minimum 12
Constitution minimum 14
Charisma minimum 14

Strength minimum 9

-Priest of Talos (Cleric kit; Evil only)
-Priest of Helm (Cleric kit; Neutral only)
-Priest of Lathander (Cleric kit; Good only)
Wisdom minimum 9

Druid (human and half-elf only)
-Totemic Druid (Druid kit; True Neutral only; human and half-elf only)
-Shapeshifter (Druid kit; True Neutral only; human and half-elf only)
-Avenger (Druid kit; True Neutral only; human and half-elf only)
Wisdom minimum 12
Charisma minimum 15

Monk (human only; Lawful only)
Dexterity minimum 9
Constitution minimum 9
Wisdom minimum 9

Bard (human and half-elf only)
-Blade (Bard kit; human and half-elf only)
-Jester (Bard kit; human and half-elf only)
-Skald (Bard kit; human and half-elf only)
Dexterity minimum 12
Intelligence minimum 13
Charisma minimum 15

-Assassin (Thief kit; Lawful Good restricted)
-Bounty Hunter (Thief kit; Lawful Good restricted)
-Swashbuckler (Thief kit; Lawful Good restricted)
Dexterity minimum 9

Wizard (human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Abjurer (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Conjurer (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Diviner (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Enchanter (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Illusionist (Mage kit; human, elf, half-elf, and gnome only)
-Invoker (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Necromancer (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
-Transmuter (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
- Wild Mage (Mage kit; human, elf, and half-elf only)
Intelligence minimum 9

Sorcerer (human, elf, and half-elf only)
Intelligence minimum 9
Charisma minimum 9

Multi-classes (non-human only)

Fighter/Thief (multi-class; any non-human)
Fighter/Cleric (multi-class; humans, elves, halflings restricted)
Fighter/Druid (multi-class; half-elf only)
Fighter/Mage (multi-class; elf and half-elf only)
Fighter/Illusionist (multi-class; gnome only)
Fighter/Mage/Cleric (multi-class; half-elf only)
Fighter/Mage/Thief (multi-class; elf and half-elf only)
Cleric/Mage (multi-class; half-elf only)
Mage/Thief (multi-class; humans, halflings, dwarves, half-orcs restricted)
Illusionist/Thief (multi-class; gnome only)
Cleric/Ranger (multi-class; half-elf only)
Cleric/Thief (multi-class; gnomes and half-orcs only)

Dual-classes (human only)

Fighter/Cleric (dual-class)
-Berserker/Cleric (dual-class)
-Wizard Slayer/Cleric (dual-class)
-Kensai/Cleric (dual-class)
Strength minimum 15
Wisdom minimum 17

Fighter/Mage (dual-class)
-Berserker/Mage (dual-class)
-Wizard Slayer/Mage (dual-class)
-Kensai/Mage (dual-class)
Strength minimum 15
Intelligence minimum 17

Fighter/Thief (dual-class)
-Berserker/Thief (dual-class)
-Wizard Slayer/Thief (dual-class)
-Kensai/Thief (dual-class)
Strength minimum 15
Dexterity minimum 17

Fighter/Druid (dual-class)
-Berserker/Druid (dual-class)
-Wizard Slayer/Druid (dual-class)
-Kensai/Druid (dual-class)
Strength minimum 15
Wisdom minimum 17
Charisma minimum 17

Ranger/Cleric (dual-class)
-Archer/Cleric (dual-class)
-Stalker/Cleric (dual-class)
-Beastmaster/Cleric (dual-class)
Strength minimum 15
Dexterity minimum 15
Wisdom minimum 17

Cleric/Fighter (dual-class)
-Priest of Talos/Fighter (dual-class)
-Priest of Helm/Fighter (dual-class)
-Priest of Lathander/Fighter (dual-class)
Wisdom minimum 17
Strength minimum 15

Cleric/Mage (dual-class)
-Priest of Talos/Mage (dual-class)
-Priest of Helm/Mage (dual-class)
-Priest of Lathander/Mage (dual-class)
Wisdom minimum 17
Intelligence minimum 17

Cleric/Thief (dual-class)
-Priest of Talos/Thief (dual-class)
-Priest of Helm/Thief (dual-class)
-Priest of Lathander/Thief (dual-class)
Wisdom minimum 15
Dexterity minimum 17

Cleric/Ranger (dual-class)
-Priest of Lathander/Ranger (dual-class)
Strength minimum
Strength minimum 17
Dexterity minimum 17
Wisdom minimum 17

Druid/Fighter (dual-class)
-Totemic Druid/Fighter (dual-class)
-Avenger/Fighter (dual-class)
-Shapeshifter/Fighter (dual-class)
Wisdom minimum 15
Charisma minimum 15
Strength minimum 17

Mage/Fighter (dual-class)
-Abjurer/Fighter (dual-class)
-Conjurer/Fighter (dual-class)
-Diviner/Fighter (dual-class)
-Enchanter/Fighter (dual-class)
-Illusionist/Fighter (dual-class)
-Invoker/Fighter (dual-class)
-Necromancer/Fighter (dual-class)
-Transmuter/Fighter (dual-class)
Intelligence minimum 15
Strength minimum 17

Mage/Cleric (dual-class)
-Abjurer/Cleric (dual-class)
-Conjurer/Cleric (dual-class)
-Diviner/Cleric (dual-class)
-Enchanter/Cleric (dual-class)
-Illusionist/Cleric (dual-class)
-Invoker/Cleric (dual-class)
-Necromancer/Cleric (dual-class)
-Transmuter/Cleric (dual-class)
Intelligence minimum 15
Wisdom minimum 17

Mage/Thief (dual-class)
-Abjurer/Thief (dual-class)
-Conjurer/Thief (dual-class)
-Diviner/Thief (dual-class)
-Enchanter/Thief (dual-class)
-Illusionist/Thief (dual-class)
-Invoker/Thief (dual-class)
-Necromancer/Thief (dual-class)
-Transmuter/Thief (dual-class)
Intelligence minimum 15
Dexterity minimum 17

Thief/Fighter (dual-class)
-Assassin/Fighter (dual-class)
-Bounty Hunter/Fighter (dual-class)
-Swashbuckler/Fighter (dual-class)
Dexterity minimum 15
Strength minimum 17

Thief/Cleric (dual-class)
-Assassin/Cleric (dual-class)
-Bounty Hunter/Cleric (dual-class)
-Swashbuckler/Cleric (dual-class)
Dexterity minimum 15
Wisdom minimum 17

Thief/Mage (dual-class)
-Assassin/Mage (dual-class)
-Bounty Hunter/Mage (dual-class)
-Swashbuckler/Mage (dual-class)
Dexterity minimum 15
Intelligence minimum 17
Post edited by Lemernis on


  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    Any dual class must also be a valid multi-class combination.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    Well, for example a Berserker-Mage is possible as a dual-class option, whereas it is not for multi-class.

    In addition to having the same combo options as a multi, humans can also dual with kits--whereas non-human multis cannot.

    The rules governing this are enough for me to work it out, I think... (myself, I don't like dual-classing, so I'm not very knoweledgable on the subject.)...

    Is the rule for dualing with kits essentially that you can start with any kit and then dual to a (pure) class? You're not allowed to combine kits, I do recall that much.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    Berserker-mage is a legal dual-class because fighter-mage is a legal multi-class. The fact that you're using a fighter kit doesn't matter.

    And if you're going to get technical, gnome multiclasses that involve mages are kit multiclasses, since all gnome mages must be illusionists.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012

    So please tell me if I have this right:

    Dual-classing Rules:

    1) Must be human.
    2) All combinations using two classes that are available to non-human mult-classes may be selected, except that dual-classed humans may start with a kit (whereas non-human multi-classes cannot).
    3) Kits may not be combined.
    4) When using a kit, the character must start with a kit and then dual to a pure class.


    It's the last one (4) that I'm not entirely sure about.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    edited December 2012
    gnomes don't have access to triple classes, there will be no fighter Fighter/Illusionist/Clerics or Fighter/Illusionist/Thiefs around. (despite how awesome that would be)
    Post edited by DinsdalePiranha on
  • RhymeRhyme Member Posts: 190
    Lemernis, I don't mean to offend you by saying this, but if you don't know whether #4 is correct or not, then this project is a little too far over your head right now.

    However, in the spirit of being helpful, here's the information you're looking for:

    Barbarian, monk, sorcerer, paladin. In vanilla ToB, the ranger kits Stalker and Archer can't dual class either (though they could in SoA). Also remember that only humans can dual class.

    Valid dual class combinations are the same as valid multi-class combinations.

    You also need 15 in the first class's major attribute(s) and 17 in the second class's major attribute(s). So a fighter can only dual to mage if he has at least 15 STR and 17 INT. The same alignment restrictions that apply if you want to make a class also apply. So a fighter must be true neutral to be able to dual to a druid.

    A fighter may dual class to a cleric, druid, mage or thief. Major attribute is STR.
    A thief may dual class to a fighter, cleric or mage. Major attribute is DEX. To dual to a thief you may not be lawful good.
    A mage may dual class to fighter, cleric or thief. Major attribute is INT.
    A cleric may dual class to fighter, mage, thief or ranger. Major attribute is WIS.
    A druid may dual class to fighter. Major attributes are WIS and CHA. To dual to druid you must have true neutral alignment.
    A ranger may dual class to cleric. Major attributes are STR and DEX. To dual to ranger, you must have any good alignment.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    @Rhyme No offense taken. Actually, I played the game for many years but I'm getting back into it with the release of BG:EE after about a five year hiatus. There are some things about the game that are still a bit hazy in my memory (years ago they would have been secondhand knowledge).

    This is what I have done so far in my project. It's going to take a long time to build it up, and I'll probably have to narrow the focus. It's something that I've always wanted to do with this hobby. If I ever do try to write guides (versus just assembling guides that are out there already), hopefully I'll end up with something a little more thought-provoking than just how to beat the game or create the most uber character.

    Thanks so much for helping out! That saves me a lot of time, although I will still have to go through to test and confirm.

    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Apologies that I got a tad lazy asking for answers when I could have just gone in and done some testing. Even so, let me restate that I am hugely, sincerely grateful for any and all assistance here.

    The answer to my own question about rule (4) above is that, yes, the character must start with a kit and dual to a pure class. It can't be done the other way around. And kits may not be combined (legally, that is--with Shadowkeeper that's another story).
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    This just in!: the Wild Mage kit may not dual-class, for those who didn't know or, like me, could not remember. ;)
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Okay, I think I have the list accurately compiled--see topic starter. Now to find and link all the guides out there!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Archer/Cleric (dual-class) is not available!
    I think it's because dualling to a Cleric would restrict the Archer from the types of weapons the Devs obviously meant for him to use (the ones he can attain Grand Mastery in).
  • wildwild Member Posts: 43
    Blackguard kit actually has different stat minimums to paladins
    Strength 12
    Constitution 14
    Charisma 14
  • etotheoetotheo Member Posts: 61
    bengoshi said:

    Archer/Cleric (dual-class) is not available!
    I think it's because dualling to a Cleric would restrict the Archer from the types of weapons the Devs obviously meant for him to use (the ones he can attain Grand Mastery in).

    Say it isn't so...

    This was going to be my next build.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013
    bengoshi said:

    Archer/Cleric (dual-class) is not available!
    I think it's because dualling to a Cleric would restrict the Archer from the types of weapons the Devs obviously meant for him to use (the ones he can attain Grand Mastery in).

    Believe it or not, it is available. :) Why anyone would do it is the question. You could choose Sling I guess.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013
    wild said:

    Blackguard kit actually has different stat minimums to paladins
    Strength 12
    Constitution 14
    Charisma 14

    Okay, thanks, amended above in the topic starter.
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