Lvl 6 Ranged weapon proficiency for Edwin - Darts or Slings?

Edwin has just reached level 6 in my current BGEE game, so gets his extra profiency point, I'm undecided whether to give him darts or slings. Normally I would give a mage a sling, but I already have two sling users in my party - Montaron and Viconia, and no one who had proficiency in darts. Is it still worth giving Edwin a sling, or in this case would darts be a better choice? Darts = more APR = more chances to actually score a hit, but slings can potentially stack a launcher +x bonus with magic bullet +x bonus, though with both Monty and Viccy using slings, there won't be many spare magic slings going around... Opinions?
BTW Edwin has the 18 Dex gloves, so gets +2 to hit with ranged weapons.
EDIT: I'm also thinking perhaps it's a "waste" of the magic darts that you can find in the game not to have someone who can use these?
BTW Edwin has the 18 Dex gloves, so gets +2 to hit with ranged weapons.
EDIT: I'm also thinking perhaps it's a "waste" of the magic darts that you can find in the game not to have someone who can use these?
And there are quite some nasty darts in limited numbers as well...
True, that Sling +3 and bullets +2 gives you quite some numbers, but for a mage, whose primary objective is to toss around spells I'm usually quite fine with to give him (in this example) darts.
But 7+2 (highest damage per round for a sling) compared to 3x4 (+1 darts) *hmm* ^^ or stunning darts or for harder/longer fights wounding...
edit: 3x4 damage :P not 3x5 ..
Slings are optimal for high strength, high APR characters. Where you can hit for 17+ damage per hit and multiply it.
Give him darts.
I think darts should only get the strength damage bonus if their strength bonus damage is capped at their max base damage (3) or less *and* they are given some significant carry weight (like throwing axes and daggers) to represent being heavy "war darts", otherwise they are just light darts, which shouldn't benefit from high strength.
Neera is a somewhat different matter (since she has +2 thac0 from dex), but I'd still stick to slings on her too, because I don't like it if my mages each throw 25 gp away, every goddamn round, with minimal results. and because I have buttloads of bullets of electricity sitting in my inventory, while Yeslick is already using bullets +2.
tl;dr: use darts on fighters or fighter -> mages, who can actually hit things - they're far too expensive for mages.
Mainly I give mages ranged weapons to keep them out of trouble, rather than expecting them to hit anything, but with three chances to roll a 20 each round, you've basically got an outlet for those darts of wounding I somehow keep finding everywhere whenever I don't have a dart user.
Just use regular's not like you NEED magical ones except for the handful of enemies that require as such. They're only like 1g per stack or so. The hit reactions and interruption potential alone are more then worth it. And the worse the thac0, the more useful multiple attacks per round are (seen most obviously on a bard dual-wielding speed weapons, even with the gimp'd two weapon style...they go from kind of meh, to almost the same as warriors just from the volume of attacks you can put out).
Energy Blades uses the dart prof, Melf's uses Hand to Hand. Both are tagged as type Dart.
"According to DLTCEP, weapon items have an 'item type' and 'proficiency type'. An item type of 'Hand to Hand' makes it ignore all weapon proficiencies. A proficiency type of 'Large sword' makes it ignore all weapon proficiencies since BG:EE has no large sword proficiency.
Melf's Minute Meteors-Item Type:Dart Proficiency:Large Sword Has innate +5 to hit.
Since there is no large sword proficiency in BG:EE this ignores proficiencies. Has innate +5 to hit. A mage with no proficiency in darts will still use them with +5 to hit. Solid spell, BTW."
Actually, for a Mage this is *much* better than benefitting from the dart proficiency!
so yeah, darts. definitely darts.
Slings have a longer range than Darts. My current dart throwing mage is almost always closer to the combat than my sling using clerics.
Slings can make use of the "Quiver" slots for your inventory, thus reducing the amount of Inventory Tetris you need to do. Also, it means you can carry more amo without blocking up your pack spaces (again BG, maybe not BG:EE).
Darts cost 1 GP per 10 stack in most places. Sling stones cost 1 GP per 20 stack just about everywhere. Granted, once you start getting into the money, that little difference isn't very much, but it can add up, particularly early on.
Sling stones actually do more than 1 damage against skells and some of the slimes in the game. Kind of useful since who really wants to waste a Magic Missile on Skells?