Defeating Dryads and any other charming NPC?

I have a huge problem and I guess Im not the only one. Whenever I meet NPCs with some sort of charming ability (or rigid thinking for that matter) one of my PCs fail the saving throw and the game is lost. Why, because the charmed PC starts hitting everyone else and even though the charm stops, my other PCs continue to hit him. Sometimes, I need to reload the game 4 or 5 times just to get past a bloody Hamadryad. The dryad hardly gives me any problems (except charming one of my PCs) but the battle afterwards destroys the party. Can you please fix this bug!!! Another thing, does anyone know a good way to get around this?
And when the spell ends if someone is still trying to attack them pause the game with space bar and give them new orders.
Edit: Or you can try casting hold person on the charmed / confused / rigid thinking person to lock them down for a while.
If the tank get charmed or confused just wait for the spell to wear off, then attack again. Repeat if necessary. Your tank should usually have enough HP to survive the process.
Also consider that enraged berserkers (or Minsc with his special ability) are immune to charm, stun, confusion, etc. Having one of those in your party will make the fight very easy.
Other possible strategies are
- to use summons immune to charm and confusion, e.g. skeletons
- to use spells like web or stinking cloud and attack with ranged weapons from afar
- to use one or more potions of clarity
- to use one or more scrolls of protection from magic
Hope this help.
Try this
1) as soon as the charmed NPC hits another NPC press SPACEBAR to pause the game
2) select all party
3) press the button that looks like an "X" at the bottom of the UI to stop all actions
4) give new orders
5) press SPACEBAR again to resume the game
repeat 1) to 5) each time the charmed NPC hits another NPC.