Davaeorn - why no backstab damage?

In the fight against Davaeorn in Cloakwood Mines, I cast invisibility on Imoen and got her to clear the traps, then I moved in a stealthed and buffed Montaron to get behind Davaeorn, but when he performs his backstab *no damage* is shown against him, despite hitting and performing a x3 backstab. I've tried with both a +2 short sword and a +2 quarter staff, but noticed the same thing happening - is he immune to backstabs somehow?
Also - what is the protection spell he has cast on him at the start? I know this makes him immune to normal missiles, but does it protect him against anything else?
One idea I had to deal with him was for Imoen to place a trap by the place where he often Dimension Doors to first (the room on the left).
Any other tips for dealing with Davaeorn? I thought maybe also moving Edwin in under Invisibility, then casting Dispel Magic on him.
Also - what is the protection spell he has cast on him at the start? I know this makes him immune to normal missiles, but does it protect him against anything else?
One idea I had to deal with him was for Imoen to place a trap by the place where he often Dimension Doors to first (the room on the left).
Any other tips for dealing with Davaeorn? I thought maybe also moving Edwin in under Invisibility, then casting Dispel Magic on him.
Maybe his mirror-image ring kinda prevents the damage? I barely remember, that I also had trouble hitting him at first, until I used the dispel/sleep thingie.
Use Algernon's Cloak on him his commands are awesome lol
As for the backstab, did you successfully hit him from behind or does it just keep missing? Another good tip is to ground a guy out with electric resistance to stifle the initial and devastating Lightning spell he fires at you after he Shadow Doors. I find guerrilla tactics work best, utilize the boots of speed you just got and any character with stealth to see where he Shadow Doored to and counter him.
So it's 110% legitimate to use the same methods to get rid of him
Offensive dispels might not work since he's a higher level than your party, so my strategy to beat him was a magical hit-and-run with spells and wands. Once his mirror images were mostly down and I could reliably interrupt a spell or two with magic missiles or similar, I sprinted in with hasted fighters to knock off the Stoneskin and took him down. I never bothered with a backstab, it would have been too tricky to set up.
Else he is just a troll and cheater and uses shadowkeeper to get unlimited amounts of spells he doesn't even have learned.
I wish I could play as an Ankheg. TO THE FEATURE REQUESTS!
@Splod, absolutely Silence is one of the best spells. it totally hampers casters.