Elminster in BG and BG2

In BG you meet Elminster in Chapter 1, 3, 4 and 5 as far as I know.
1 on the road to Friendly Arm Inn.
3 when you return to Naschel.
4 at the Friendly Arm Inn.
5 when you enter Baldurs Gate.
Have anyone encountered him at any other time?
In BG2 you only see him under a pseudonyme and later on in ToB in a quick talk before you take on the Throne.
To bad we se him so few times in BG2.
1 on the road to Friendly Arm Inn.
3 when you return to Naschel.
4 at the Friendly Arm Inn.
5 when you enter Baldurs Gate.
Have anyone encountered him at any other time?
In BG2 you only see him under a pseudonyme and later on in ToB in a quick talk before you take on the Throne.
To bad we se him so few times in BG2.

Apparently you can also play him as an NPC in D&D online. Oh and how can I open this thread and not quote Edwin
"Elminster this, Elminster that. Give me 2000 years and a pointy hat and I'll kick his arse!"
Back to the topic, I really didn't miss him at all in BG2
There are much more interesting wizards there
Anyone else want to point and call him "El Minister" whenever they see his name or is it just me?
Yeah...Elminster is a walking LotR rip off. He's for most intents and purposes Gandalf the Red, who is also a fallen king with a broken sword that later gets reforged.
Try that now and he either turns you into a chicken or summons cows to fall on your head insta death style
I love him anyways.
What always surprised me was how CHARNAME and Imoen (as well as possibly, I don't know, anybody else you might have picked up?) don't know it's Elminster that you meet on the road to the Friendly Arm Inn. Granted, CHARNAME and Imoen are probably shaken up about some recent events, and Montaron and Xzar are...well, Montaron and Xzar...but it always struck me as odd.
"Elminster became a brigand and a thief at the ripe age of twelve"
"After many adventures, Elminster was visited by Mystra, the Goddess of All Magic. She tarried with him and left the awestruck Elminster with the message that he should learn of magic and worship her. Soon thereafter, while he was still a young adult, Mystra transformed Elminster into a woman named Elmara to strengthen his bond with magic and to know what it is to be a woman."
Very very, brief summary of the high points of First Mage.
Elminster? Never overly cared for him. He always felt like the kind of character a person played forever in an actual game.. and then wrote ENDLESS FAN FICTION about how awesome they are. Yes, I know Ed Greenwood's works are above fan fiction. Elminster actually had a sort of space station in the Spelljammer setting. Ugh..
Elminister's story is kind of great tough. A very solid journey on becoming a great mage, some of the mage duels in his book are just awesome (especially the shapeshifting contest
And Edwin's BG2 plot, i burst into tears and laughter when he transformed himself into a woman XD Bitching that much about Elminister is dangerous, he has a wicked sense of humor after 2000 years ^_^
I'm reading the books now, and I'm really enjoying the "rise to power" story that he's got going. I also appreciate the fact that at no point is he described as being in any way attractive. Even when he's a woman, he's an awkwardly shaped woman with that same beak-shaped nose. It's a nice shift from where novel protagonists usually go.
Hehe and it's even better in Dragon Age Origins where there isa a NPC as an inn keeper in Denerim named Edwina who is a bitter woman
(This is also coming from someone who usually really doesn't like D&D fiction; make of that what you will.)
has anyone met Elminster except in chapter 1, 3, 4 and 5 in BG?
El Minister
(sorry couldn't resist)