Black Pits completed? Strange ending... *MASSIVE SPOILERS EVERYWHERE ! ! !*

Is this a bug? Putting this here first before going to the bugs page, because I am not sure if I have completed it properly or I have skipped a section...
Was I supposed to fight the eye tyrant who gives you advice?
After defeating the fire giant and gang (what a fight that was! My sorcerer basically carried my whole group along and then turned absolutely useless on me... Don't fill up on flame arrows, fireballs and melfs mini missiles...) I had a chat with the eye tyrant for advice and he then tells me to make my peace with the Gods and prepare to die when facing him next...
Instead... I fought Bealoth and his lackeys (Easy with a sorcerer with 6 spell thrusts to use although my whole group near enough died, and they died properly, from poisoning...)
After that the Geas went, had a nice chat with some freed slaves, then the Some mad duregar tried to kill me so made my exit...
So... the question is... Where is the eye tyrant? Should you just attack him in the cells?
While were at it... What does that scroll do you get from Kroncer the Old?
Was I supposed to fight the eye tyrant who gives you advice?
After defeating the fire giant and gang (what a fight that was! My sorcerer basically carried my whole group along and then turned absolutely useless on me... Don't fill up on flame arrows, fireballs and melfs mini missiles...) I had a chat with the eye tyrant for advice and he then tells me to make my peace with the Gods and prepare to die when facing him next...
Instead... I fought Bealoth and his lackeys (Easy with a sorcerer with 6 spell thrusts to use although my whole group near enough died, and they died properly, from poisoning...)
After that the Geas went, had a nice chat with some freed slaves, then the Some mad duregar tried to kill me so made my exit...
So... the question is... Where is the eye tyrant? Should you just attack him in the cells?
While were at it... What does that scroll do you get from Kroncer the Old?
That was also the worst advice given to a fellow player...
I also fell off the back of my chair laughing
If you manage to beat Baeloth first, the battle just ends when you kill the dwarf and the rakshasha.
"As the Black Pits fade from your view, an unfamiliar sight takes shape on the other side..."
Or is this a simple teaser for any potential Black Pits follow up?
Also. My final auto-save was directed to the Baldur's Gate folder, not the Black Pits folder. Is this normal?
BG2:EE will probably have some kind of similar add-on content.