Reputation 1 run through
I'm planning a new run through with reputation 1. Since I wouldn't be able to talk to any merchant in the game once I hit 1, anyone know if there's a point picking up gems anymore? Anyone know if there is a merchant that would open to rep 1 party and would buy anything from me?
With a rep of 1 run, you should be just looting things you need and not things you can sell.
When I ran my lawful evil rep 5 party, I found I spent most of my time looting through flaming fist corpses and still gain a lot by selling off their plate mails.
Will try a different approach with my CE party. If I can still talk to an inn keep, that means I can boost pick pocket
Level 1 party is still very viable, you just need to roll a rather high stats. Charisma is unimportant since all the merchants are charging you 10x more expensive, but you can still initiate dialogues and purchase screens for stealing. I haven't ran into Baldur's Gate yet, but so far the Flaming Fists are all very manageable. You want Viconia as the evil healer for extended combats and resting, and Montarron to help you steal every thing you need, or you may just be a thief and put lots of points in it.
I powerleveled my party with the Basilisks, that should help a lot when the FFs stepped in. Great fun.
The Flaming Fists are buffed up, when they popped it often costs me a save or two. First thing was to cast hold person on the cleric and keep hitting him with my fighter with my composite longbow. While my arrows kept interrupting his spellcasting, Kagain tanked the scout and enforcer taking quite a lot of wounds, Edwin managed to fear two of them with horror, and I'm on a 4 vs. 1 combat, then take them out one by one.
I'm a guy on shift jobs and a lot to do in real life, so my walkthrough will be very slow, feel free to add your experience if you like.
Oh btw, since you cannot steal from every merchant you encountered, so resource management is quite crucial. Popping potions is very very very costly.