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What thief NPCs would you like to see in BG2:EE? *MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BG2*

mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
Many on the forum (myself included) think that BG2 didn't have enough thief options. So what new thieves, if any, would you like to see in BG2? Add a little description too to sell it to us if you like.

Added spoiler tag. -Jalily
  1. What thief NPCs would you like to see in BG2:EE?83 votes
    1. A straight up Thief
    2. An assassin
    3. A swashbuckler
    4. A bounty hunter
    5. A multiclass thief (specify)
    6. No new NPCs, but have Yoshimo redeemable and available later in BG2 and ToB
    7. No new NPCs and leave the treacherous Yoshimo dead in his grave!
Post edited by Jalily on


  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    There aren't enough evil characters in the game, so an assassin could pull off a double-duty.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    Here's mine:

    A Neutral Evil Human Swashbuckler
    S: 17 D: 14 C: 14 I: 16 W: 11 C: 12
    An old sea-dog pirate you pick up at the docks, who's personal quest involves finding the booty his scurvy crew cheated him out of! He dual wields, but he's only got one hand, in his left he has a mechanism that can fit daggers into it and comes with his own "Left Hook" a +2 dagger that gives +1 AC bonus and protects against critical hits. Special ability: Sea chanty. Gives all affected party members a minor bonus to hit and damage and protects against most mental attack (fear, charm etc). He's a lecherous, tall-tale telling, greedy old pirate! I think it'd gives good banter as he tries hitting on other female NPCs and tell stories of far off places in Faerun.

    Scimitar +
    Dagger +
    2 handed ++
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    An assassin... that is still a follower of Bhaal! *dun dun duuuun*
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192

    An assassin... that is still a follower of Bhaal! *dun dun duuuun*

    He pledges loyalty to you because he thinks you've got what it takes to take up your father's mantle.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Thief or assassin. Thief for having decent thieving skills, assassin for sheer coolness.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Something along those lines, yeah. Might even be that he only finds out after a while. I think this holds a lot of interesting dialogue possibilities - and also options for questing, such as finding and helping a hidden coven of Bhaal followers who have gone underground after all the purges.
  • Darth_SkippyDarth_Skippy Member Posts: 37
    Just having a straight class thief that isn't Charname or going to die off would be nice.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    Swashbuckler just cause I love kits, but I'd also take a regular thief. Basically anything that doesn't get it's thief points reduced.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    edited January 2013
    Here's another one

    A Female Human Chaotic Good Dualled Cleric of Lathander to Thief.

    She left the church after her mother died and left the rest of her many siblings orphaned. So she turned to crime to help look after them. Encounter her in the Temple District after she pickpockets you and runs off into the Sewers. Her Personal Quest sees you help give her family somewhere to stay and support them, the NPC goes back to the Church and her Cleric becomes active again so you get a multi cleric of lanthandar/thief. Alternatively your actions can see her turn her back on the Church altogether and stay as a thief.
    Post edited by mjs on
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    I loved my Swashbuckler! Human Male Chaotic Good, pure Swashbuckler, dual wielding long swords.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    edited January 2013

    and no little swashies. I can think of few more useless classes than those fighter pretenders. if somebody wants to a fighter, start a fighter. if somebody wants a fighter than can do thievery, start a fighter/thief - but leave those dickless backstab incapable bastards alone.
    Post edited by DinsdalePiranha on
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    I do think an assassin works for the story, if there was a swashy they'd need to be a pirate type. But I still want to see a wizard slayer and an undead hunter as well.
  • leeho730leeho730 Member Posts: 285


    and no little swashies. I can think of few more useless classes than those fighter pretenders. if somebody wants to a fighter, start a fighter. if somebody wants a fighter than can do thievery, start a fighter/thief - but leave those dickless backstab incapable pretenders alone.

    Unfortunately Montaron and Xzar appears and then disappears.... unless a mod decides to somehow bring him back.. Beamdog/Overhaul won't be able to change the storyline or character due to contractual limitation....

    New assassin!
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    leeho730 said:

    Unfortunately Montaron and Xzar appears and then disappears.... unless a mod decides to somehow bring him back.. Beamdog/Overhaul won't be able to change the storyline or character due to contractual limitation....

    New assassin!

    Maybe Montaron fakes his own death to get away from Xzar because he finds him "so ARGGravating"
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    I'm with @DinsdalePiranha , insofar as a MC is concerned. Monty was already wrapped up in BG2, so I doubt Overhaul can change that, but a good f/t multi would be awesome.

    IMO, thief is a class that is best experienced with another class. (F/t are my personal favorite) For fun and flavor, Overhaul could even engage in some shenanigans and make something amusing like a Fighter/Assassin multiclass.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I like the idea of bringing Montaron back after Xzar is killed. But I would definitely like an assassin. In the first game, they might be difficult to incorporate, since they only get 15 skill points per level up, but an assassin in BG2 would be totally awesome.

    No humans though PLEASE. Me want something weird, like a Dwarven or Orcish assassin character...
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    Bring back Shar-Teel, dual-classed to Thief (with the Assassin kit as her "NPC Special" bonus).
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    ..or at least a straight Thief or better F/T and possible anything BUT good aligned :)
    Neutral would be awesome so it fits in all parties without much hassle.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Na elven female Fighter/Thief or an assassin.
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    valky said:

    ..or at least a straight Thief or better F/T and possible anything BUT good aligned :)
    Neutral would be awesome so it fits in all parties without much hassle.

    If they make an Evil thief, they also have to make a Good one. There's only one thief in BG2 that can be used the whole game and he's Neutral.
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Any or all of the below.

    - An assassin
    - A multiclass thief (specify)
    - Have Yoshimo redeemable and available later in BG2 and ToB in addition to a new thief NPC
    - Have continuity between BG1EE and BG2EE such that I can keep Imoen as a straight thief and dual her when/if I please (I realise that's a bit problematic with the MM she has to fire at Irenicus).

    I'd like the new thief to be evil and one of the short races since there are currently only one of each and if a multiclass then a F/T.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419

    I'm with @DinsdalePiranha , insofar as a MC is concerned. Monty was already wrapped up in BG2, so I doubt Overhaul can change that, but a good f/t multi would be awesome.

    IMO, thief is a class that is best experienced with another class. (F/t are my personal favorite) For fun and flavor, Overhaul could even engage in some shenanigans and make something amusing like a Fighter/Assassin multiclass.

    one can only hope. actually...


    Monty does not appear in BG2 at all, just as a corpse - so, say, taking his dead body to a priest and rezzing him after that bit of unpleasantness with the meddling fools could very easily work, all within the limits of the contract. hell, let's even raise Xzar and give 'em a quest focused on extinguishing all Harper presence, god knows those asshole deserve it - I'm pretty sure this should be somewhat doable, as an option, if a sorta exception could be made in this case, considering they are the most beloved NPCs of BG1 after all.

    one can only hope...
  • leeho730leeho730 Member Posts: 285
    edited January 2013
    Femme Fatale female elven Assassin!

    Or maybe it's just me finding such character hawt...
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    A romanceable, female duergar assassin with racial invisibility and enlarge spell-like abilities. Period.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Montaron would be cool. I see no reason why they couldn't introduce him (and/or even Xzar) through the backdoor.
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    rdarken said:

    If they make an Evil thief, they also have to make a Good one. There's only one thief in BG2 that can be used the whole game and he's Neutral.

    I know, I personally dislike Jan for whatever reason; so I currently have to play a thief or use a NPC mod. Both options were fine with me, and being usually CN myself makes up for some nifty party builds :)

  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    Assassin, since we need more evil characters anyways.

    Also, a multi class fighter or cleric, and the option of bringing yoshi back.

    The number of thieves in BG2 is too damn low!
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    valky said:

    rdarken said:

    If they make an Evil thief, they also have to make a Good one. There's only one thief in BG2 that can be used the whole game and he's Neutral.

    I know, I personally dislike Jan for whatever reason; so I currently have to play a thief or use a NPC mod. Both options were fine with me, and being usually CN myself makes up for some nifty party builds :)

    It's so crazy to me that there is literally ONE thief in the WHOLE game. I know BG1 had too many thieves, but one thief is crazy town.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    I think it's pretty reasonable to assume they only added one thief so the player would be more likely to bring him with the party, given his relation to the plot.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    Assassin evil elven girl.
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