Should I start over?

So, In my current play through, I have finally reached chapter 6. Charname is a wizard and has been traveling around with some goody-goody's up to this point. Problem is, due to the nature of the character, he really makes very little use of the tomes to increase stats. They are pretty much a waste for him.
On a whim, I decided to "Roll" up a Half-Orc Fighter/Thief. He ended up with the following stats:
STR : 19
DEX : 18
CON : 19
INT : 14
WIS : 10
CHR : 10
I figure, that considering the story line, I could definitely make this work. He could turn out to be the ultimate Lord of Murder. Focus mainly on Move silent and hide. Give him two weapon style fighting. I bet his eventual 20 STR and CON would come in really handy and make him deadly.
My problem is this. I don't have a lot of time to game lately and am not sure I have it in me to play all the way up to this point before something else comes up. is it worth the risk?
On a whim, I decided to "Roll" up a Half-Orc Fighter/Thief. He ended up with the following stats:
STR : 19
DEX : 18
CON : 19
INT : 14
WIS : 10
CHR : 10
I figure, that considering the story line, I could definitely make this work. He could turn out to be the ultimate Lord of Murder. Focus mainly on Move silent and hide. Give him two weapon style fighting. I bet his eventual 20 STR and CON would come in really handy and make him deadly.
My problem is this. I don't have a lot of time to game lately and am not sure I have it in me to play all the way up to this point before something else comes up. is it worth the risk?
That said I, like you, don't have a lot of time to game right now. Still, I'm playing the game when I have some free time, I am progressing really slow (still on chapter 3). Nevertheless I'm having fun playing BG once again
If you like your new character start a new game but keep your old save.
Have fun.
So for me, the journey is all about my Main. Using the tomes on "Lesser Mortals" is merely a waste of magic, and my main would never do that. LOL
With that being said, absolutely they are not significant improvements on my main who's stats are:
STR: 12 (Soon to be 13 - small lift in carrying weight)
DEX: 16 (soon to be 17- this will help)
Con: 15 (soon to be 16 - this will help)
INT: 18 (now 19 - nuff said)
Wis: 12 (now 14, soon to be 15. No help)
CHA: 11 (now 12 no real gain here)
So honestly there has been some help there. And yes, you can complete the game without ever finding one single one. But why? I an a completionist by nature and have to find everything in the game. Why find it and not use it. But this also means that I will spend hours and hours slogging through what I recently completed. hence my dilemma.
But again, look at the stats of the second character. Seems to be they would be killer, particularly after the augmentation.
In any event, why not just treat the tomes as trophies? Get them because you want to get all the items and dont' worry that they aren't useful. Their utility is generally overrated anyway.
As Hesse mentioned, just start your new game but keep a save with your old character in case you want to go back. Just have need to limit yourself.
As for simply playing multiple games, therein lies the main crux of the matter. I don't have loads of time to game anymore and so I can either push on and finish the play through I am currently on, or start again and maybe finish it. Playing two games concurrently would all but guarantee that I would never finish. Not to mention the fact that I would have to re-cover all of that same ground again in the new game. Not to say it wouldn't be fun, just not sure that is 100% my idea of fun.
On the plus side, playing through again would afford me the opportunity to pick up a totally opposite group. And possibly see things that I didn't before (though probably not much as I am pretty thorough in my play throughs). And it would allow me to do something I have never done, which is play a thief in BG2 a the end of it all. So I have to weigh those questions in my mind.
Sell a magic item you wanted to keep - restart game
Give charname the wrong sound set- restart game
Realise you picked the wrong alignment - restart game
Assign stat tome to the wrong NPC - you better believe that's a restart game
stash your fighter/thief, and keep him safe - you'll get plenty of opportunities to use him eventually.
I suspect that you will probably enjoy your half-orc Fighter/Thief perhaps more than your current character. So if playing a more enjoyable character is the most important thing... regardless of finishing the present game or starting over with a new one... then do that. If limited time to play the game is most important--and you're having a pretty good time with your current character--then don't worry about the tomes. I wouldn't make the decision based on tome usage.
I would probably say that I've had most fun playing F/T characters, as long as you keep him out of harm for the first and second level.
Have fun!!
I have never played a thief in BG2. I've always wanted to do that. So I might just take that up.