Druid question

Sorry if I'm restating a well known fact, but I've never really used a druid or a druid multi character ever and I've been trying out things I use to not use when I played a decade ago.
What are the point of druids? With the exception of iron skins their spells seem to suck when compared to what a cleric gets.
What are the point of druids? With the exception of iron skins their spells seem to suck when compared to what a cleric gets.
Also in my humble opinion they can use better weapons than clerics.
plus you miss out on totemic druid ability (summon an animal that's immune to normal and +1 weapons) or even better the avenger druid (limited extra mage spells, which make them more feasible in underground battles and extra shifts INCLUDING a freakin' sword spider). now if they ever correct spider shift to not be caught in web you would be EPIC in BG:EE
clerics just scale waaaay better
Although druids do miss out several of the best low-level spells of the cleric (starting with the formidable Sanctuary), they do have a few higher-level druidic only spells that are truly awesome.
I've never given Fighter/Druids and honest chance but they probably are not that bad.
I was trying a Fighter / Druid and wanted to play it more like a Fighter / Cleric which I was more use to. It just looks like Clerics get a lot of of Cleric only spells that I had thought both got and Druids only get a few Druid only spells in comparison.
Though from looking at the divine spell list I think Clerics have a monopoly on cool Cleric only spells at lower level (spell levels 1-3 is what I'm at) where as at higher levels Druids get some better Druid only spells.
I guess I could make a Ranger / Cleric and have my cake and eat it too.
1) having someone else in the party take care of that (cleric, mage, etc.)
2) playing a solo Berserker\Druid as enraging makes you immune to fear (amongst other things)
Else I have to agree to most of the other postings, Druids progression lacks if not modded and Clerics - while slow at the beginning - catch up pretty fast in BG2 and ToB anyway. The very only thing I currently miss in my BG2 game (arrr! I just kicked Jaheira) is Insect swarm and Insect Plaque and some of the summons (playing with spell-revisions...). Insect Plaque though, can cast my npc-mod ranger..so it's covered...but the swarm is pretty much kick-ass (in SCSII).
Cleric or specially in my case my BGEE-fighter(9) dualed to cleric is a b*tch. Am pretty good in melee and can cast very annoying stuff against my enemies...
Several of the useful druid spells are more or less annoying, cause they should affect your party as well.
[Speaking of OP clerics: Kaelyn the Dove ^^]
However, single class druids can also get to level 10 in BG1, as opposed to 8 for clerics. This gives them access to level 5 spells including the utterly great iron skins and insect plague. Even a fighter dualled at level 7 can get to druid 9, and hence get 1 level 5 spell (+wisdom bonus if appliccable). The only real drawback of being a dual class fighter/druid is the need for 15 strength & 17 wisdom *and* charisma, so a beast of a roll is required.
Druids do give up a lot of the all-round goodness of the cleric for very specific good spells. They don't really shine at all in BG1 until level 9+.
I just find their spell selection to be underwhelming on a F/D as compared to a F/C with a 161,000 xp cap.
And since the spell never drops your level or Con, nor requires rez/polymorph save checks, if your druid friend has the slots available..well..just keep "spinning the wheel" till you get what you want if you get an effectively unplayable form.