kamikaze Archers on the run! Am i the only one?

BUG: Ranged weapons users go to melee
iPad Version: iPad 2
OS Version: iOS 6.0.1
Evirorment: any
Description: Whenever I have a character using a ranged weapon, when they pick a target using the AI (as in; i don’t click myself) they decide that the range of their weapon I close. I have often had Imoen using a bow charge the stupid ogre, basilisk and other good stuff. Similarly before advanced edition I equipped my wizards with a sling so they would stay at range when the AI decided they where to attack, but all my mages keep charging anyway regardless of wielding a ranged weapon.
Question: Looking through this forumI find no one else experiencing this problem, and I find that it happens every time. Is it a bug or just something that I can adjust trough settings or something?
iPad Version: iPad 2
OS Version: iOS 6.0.1
Evirorment: any
Description: Whenever I have a character using a ranged weapon, when they pick a target using the AI (as in; i don’t click myself) they decide that the range of their weapon I close. I have often had Imoen using a bow charge the stupid ogre, basilisk and other good stuff. Similarly before advanced edition I equipped my wizards with a sling so they would stay at range when the AI decided they where to attack, but all my mages keep charging anyway regardless of wielding a ranged weapon.
Question: Looking through this forumI find no one else experiencing this problem, and I find that it happens every time. Is it a bug or just something that I can adjust trough settings or something?
Go ahead and throw a bug report out there for this and link to this thread.
I think the "bug" to focus on here is the fact that archer AI is not setup by default to keep an archer at range. There may be a better AI script to use (I'll let the community talk about that here) but if so, that better AI Script should be attached by default.
Personally I turn scripts off and micromanage every character and I don't have this problem, but if that is a deal breaker for you, you might try an AI script other than default for your ranged characters.
I rarely use the AI scripts because it is so wacky. I never feel I can trust it. Far too often someone runs in when they should stay back and more enemies are drawn into the fight causing a wipe. I'd rather manage things myself. Cue Yosemite Sam saying "Computers is so stupid"!