Is Rasaad worth it?

I can't decided whether I want Rasaad in my party or not. I don't mind if he's a little too weak for a tank because I like the challenge. I think I would give him gauntlets of dexterity to help him survive in the front line. It basically comes down to is his quest line interesting or not?
Monks aren't good at low levels, even with 161k XP. Helping his strength would leave him vulnerable, helping his dexterity would leave him useless in offense. Maybe if you give him all your tomes of STR, DEX and CON.
Well, as a challenge, whatever, but in the front line, no, needs to much help from your casters. As a ranged fighter he could survive but nearly all other chars would be better.
When you get him back in BG2 he'll turn into an unstoppable killing machine who owes you a favour for keeping him alive!
1) leader with high charisma
2) best tank with boots of speed to engage first the enemies
3) squishy caster
4) even squishier caster
5) Rasaad
6) second best tank (you may never know when a sneaky Kobold attacks you from behind)
if somehow the enemy start targeting Rasaad use him to kite (monk speed).
How can I keep him alive?
But yes, in my view he is worth it. I enjoyed having him because I accepted his limitations. I used him surgically to target mages and archers. Mages he would try to stun, with increasing success along the way (really gratifying when it happens, too). Pesky archers he forced to melee (thank you Rasaad).
I gave him a Shield amulet (which you can sell when it's down to a few charges and buy back recharged), which helps significantly. Initially I equipped him with Gauntlets of Dexterity. And eventually I gave him the Gauntlets of Ogre Power (or I could have given him a certain belt, but personally I could not bring myself to do it for RP reasons).
I like his personality and his quest a lot. He does give the feel of being from Calimshan, which adds something unique to the game. I look forward to future DLC NPCs that are also from other far away lands.
Moreover, in BG2:EE he is going to be badass.'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts#Monks
He can use both Drizzt scimitars (he will not be happy if you kill Drizzt, but you can also steal them) and one of them gives him a +2 bonus to AC (but he looses APR when using anything but his fists).
His quest line provides two items (a pair of gauntlets and a belt) that suit him very well. Mainly by not using him as main tank and kiting if necessary.
Even very early in the game with the right equipment Rasaad's AC is around 0. For nearly the entire game I had his AC at -1 or -2 for battles.
I had no trouble whatsoever keeping Rasaad alive by sending him directly at mages and archers. The enemy's tanks pretty much ignored him (mainly because they were engaged by my other meleers). He didn't get much grief from wizards either, actually. Regardless of the type of attack the mage is under, the vanilla AI has the mage continue with a particular scripted spell routine toward the entire party. That spell routine Rasaad is usually able to significantly disrupt even if he doesn't succeed with Stunning Blow. (With the SCS:EE mod eventually installed once that is released, that will be a different story since mages will then almost surely redirect their spells towards the attacker in front of them.)
I had him wear the belt that reduces AC from missiles by 4, just in case another enemy archer took it in mind to start shooting at him (such as with the Black Talon bandits or kobolds).
He's really not a liability for the party. You just have to figure out how to optimize his strengths and minimize his deficits. As I believe Quartz once said, if you can't keep him alive then you're probably not very good at playing Baldur's Gate.
Thanks for the tips. I'm gonna make him as effective a melee fighter as I can. He may die a few times, but that's what quick load is for isn't it
My current party concept is:
CHARNAME Skald (Neutral Good, gets Pseudo Dragon Familiar, which buffs well for melee with Skald Song)
Ajantis (though he'll need the Dex gloves...)
Imoen (possibly *not* dualed as already have Neera and my Skald)
If Rasaad doesn't work out, I may drop him for Coran after the Bandit Camp, if he does work out, I might drop Imoen instead!
my party with rasaad is
cleric of lathander
ajantis (boots of speed)
dualled immy
the reason rasaad survives in this line up is that by the time he gets there ajantis is the focus of most attacks and i've used cleric and mage spells to hold/command etc. i use him to double up on whatever enemy my tank is on
Yes, Rasaad is worth bringing with you.
Until he's explained his backstory.
His quest location has a uniquely valuable item, an interesting subplot, and only really requires having him around for a few days in a time in-game when you can easily afford to carry a level 6 monk. Once you've got his location you can easily drop him off there and leave with the neat stuff without much ado.
He is rather boring and slightly weak NPC with some damage dealing advantages. (in BG1)
If you are talking only about his combat abilities, then there are some Npcs in the game much more useless than Rasaad. Garrick for example :-)
You could switch the ring of protection +1 with the ring+2 or cloak+2 and get him to -6 and throw in the Claw of Kazgoroth for another AC to be at -7 and his AC against missles would be -9.