Can't find Black Lilly!

This may sound really dumb, but I can't find Black Lilly, though I found here originally and found this item behind her
Dexterity Tome
I thought she was found in one of the entrances by the Thieves' Guild, but I can't find here anywhere, am I looking in the wrong place? I've been inside all the entrances on the Thieves' Guild Street. I've completed all Narlan's quests and the Oberon Estate quest, if that makes any difference. Thanks!
Dexterity Tome
I thought she was found in one of the entrances by the Thieves' Guild, but I can't find here anywhere, am I looking in the wrong place? I've been inside all the entrances on the Thieves' Guild Street. I've completed all Narlan's quests and the Oberon Estate quest, if that makes any difference. Thanks!
If she is not there then she has wandered off somewhere (perhaps when you were fighting the red wizard?)
If you haven't fought them, I believe, like most merchants, she doesn't move so she should be in the small room to the very right of the guild.
She's in that room to the East. A couple characters are talking to her.
You can't use those stairs unless the very end of the game, and if I remember right there's a reference to asking Black Lilly to kit you out with some gear if you choose to go down there. So maybe this was tweaked so that she only appears at the end when the stairs are visible?