Come up with something awesome for me to play?

Please? I want to do a "hardcore run" (I hate that term, especially since I'm so not hardcore. I just mean no reloads unless my main character dies. Chunked chars? DEAL WITH IT. Bad HP rolls? DEAL WITH IT. Failed to learn spell? DEAL WITH IT. Neera drops a Cow in the middle of the Red Sheaf? [that may or may not have happened last time] DEAL WITH IT.) and I'm looking for something that sounds interesting to play. That means no Dwarven Berserkers or other such stereotypes. Look outside the box for me, if you please. I mean something strange, say, a Halfling Barbarian who dual-wields Axes or something. Who knows. Dual-class builds are probably out due to that being pretty difficult stuff, but if you want to mention them go ahead.
I'm leaning towards a warrior of some type, but I wouldn't mind some form of divine caster. (since I'm of the opinion that almost all divine casters in this game suck)
I'm leaning towards a warrior of some type, but I wouldn't mind some form of divine caster. (since I'm of the opinion that almost all divine casters in this game suck)
I haven't had much use for his song yet but hopefully when I get the spells you speak of I may. At this point I regret not picking a Skald or a Blade.
Bards are definitely fun ... good suggestion!
He went with long swords, but any thief-specific weapon would be a sight to see.
@Aosaw - Interesting. Nice idea! So, for example:
Level 1
Daggers *
Crossbow *
Level 4
Daggers **
Crossbow *
Level 1
Two-Weapon Style ***
Darts *
Level up to Level 2 ... then get experience and don't level up
Level 7
Daggers **+** (From Fighter Levels 3 and 6)
Two-Weapon Style ***
Crossbows *
Darts *
ALMOST grand mastery. Almost. Dag nabbit. Still pretty legit! I would do it with daggers for role-playing reasons, plus throwing daggers FTW. The question at that point becomes what thieving abilities to utilize. You could always just maximize Open Locks and Find Traps so that you have someone who can deal with that, but I hate to do that to a player character (sans BGII. Ugh. BGII and its thief issue gets so effing old) ... Even with no backstabbing, Hide In Shadows might be a nice choice. Trap Setting probably not because all you would ever have is two regular snares that aren't that great. Detect Illusion could be interesting.
Gnome Barbarian wielding a two-handed sword with a chr of 6 (to get all the deal with it infighting and storm outs)
A lawful evil half orc Monk once again with a chr of 6
dualled Archer/Cleric named david slinging his way to the throne of bhaal.
Nice suggestions.
Take slings and quarterstaves and back stab with the staff. I did that with a half orc and the 19str + the cleric strength spells made for some nice backstabbing.
I find that monks already have enough problems at low levels that I hate not being a lawful good monk so I can take Raasad's boots.
For no reloading I found a CHARNAME wild mage to be really crazy and fun. I attempted to magic missle the assassin in the Nashkal Inn and it turned into a fireball. Killed the entire inn, set my rep to 1, Khalid and Minsc left my party and started attacking me. Craaaaazzzzzzzzzy.
For minimal reload run they shouldn't be too bad, but a bit squishy early on.
Level 1
Crossbow *
Two-Weapon Style *
Level 4
Crossbow *
Two-Weapon Style **
Level 1
Daggers ****
Level 3
Daggers *****
Level up to Level 5 ... then get experience and don't level up
Level 7
Daggers *****
Two-Weapon Style ***
Crossbow *
Lol wow. If you can seriously do that, I'm convinced I'll have to do it.
I personally edited those two items (Moonlight Walkers and Glistening Bands or whatever) in NearInfinity to include Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil. The alignment restriction on Monk items is completely absurd and I think Overhaul should be shot for it. With Rasaad's items I can kind of understand, but when I hit the other one and it was ALSO only for Lawful Good, I just about shat myself in anger. ...But anyway, Monk actually not be a bad idea. It would be really difficult early on, but yeah. Recruit Kivan ASAP, hah!
As far as a Wild Mage goes, I have far more fun just taking Neera than making my own. Ahh, it works with BG:EE? Interesting. Okay, I should try it some time.