Does this POC work on ANY platform??????

Ok, pretty frustrated here. I was playing on my IPAD before but the lack of any forseeable patch for that platform had me transfer my save game over to the PC version. Things were going fine until I tried the quest in Beregost for Garrick/Silke. I killed Silke but was unable to loot her. I then could not interact with Garrick or any of the 3 characters that showed up for the Silke Cutscene. Ok, fine, reload a previous save game. NOW I cannot talk to Garrick, Silke or loot anything or enter any building. How could this be screwed up bad???????
Is there anything I can do to recover or should I just uninstall the game and write off the $$$$$
Is there anything I can do to recover or should I just uninstall the game and write off the $$$$$
1. Loot any corpse
2. Enter any building
3. Change zones.
It seems comical that I actually paid for this program.
From the game's launcher, try clicking the button at the bottom right corner of the window to repair your installation.
If that doesn't work, send an email to and I'll try to look at it more closely.
Deleted BGEE from my PC.
Deleted Beamdog Client from My PC
Delete all BGEE saved games from My PC.
Emptied the recycle bin.
Rebooted the PC
Reloaded the Beamdog Client.
Redownloaded BGEE from Beamdog.
Veified that I had no previous saved games
Started a brand new game using stock character (Abdel)
Cannot enter any buildings.
Cannot Loot
Cannot enter into conversation with any other characters. I get the default response with no dialog options, further more, when I right click on the character to talk to, my character does not move over to the character I am talking to, he does not move and I get the default response right away.
This was all working just fine with a save game I had imported from my IPAD and then applied the current PC patch to. After about 30 mins of play I lost the ability to loot, enter buildings or interact with NPC's from even a brand new game.
Kevin (sending to as well)