Neera and stockpiling gems and jewellery?

I'm considering taking Neera in new game I recently started as a Jester and keeping her (last time I dumped her after she revealed Ahoy's Enclave in the map), but am aware that one of her spell surges can potentially wipe out 80% of your gold...
This made me think she has her gem bag for a reason - it's so you can stock pile your wealth in gems and only cash these in when you have enough to buy the thing you want (though working out what your gems are worth without going to a store first could be complicated, this guide, if accurate, may help a little, though: ). In fact, it's probably worth stock-piling rings and necklaces in a safe storage location (e.g. a container somewhere in an unoccupied house in Beregost).
Would this be a sensible strategy to follow when having Neera in your party, or is this just too much micromanagement for a rare event (though I'm going to try to not reload after her spell surges, so will hang onto that belt of gender change, LOL!)?
This made me think she has her gem bag for a reason - it's so you can stock pile your wealth in gems and only cash these in when you have enough to buy the thing you want (though working out what your gems are worth without going to a store first could be complicated, this guide, if accurate, may help a little, though: ). In fact, it's probably worth stock-piling rings and necklaces in a safe storage location (e.g. a container somewhere in an unoccupied house in Beregost).
Would this be a sensible strategy to follow when having Neera in your party, or is this just too much micromanagement for a rare event (though I'm going to try to not reload after her spell surges, so will hang onto that belt of gender change, LOL!)?
I've been meaning to ask this; what permanent changes can a WM cause to herself or party members? The wild surge table is vague at many points. Is there some sort of compiled translation somewhere?
But yeah, as with any sensible gambling strategy, always keep a few thousand gold's worth of Star Sapphires etc handy in your gem pouch, gold's rarely worthwhile in BG anyway after you've established yourself, most of the best gear is found via adventure after all.
Though I tried to not needlessly cast every time I met a gnoll/or similiar minor critters, who die after 1 hit anyway.
I think if my next run is done by my Skald I won't even need a mage, mostly used her for debuffing/disabling spells - can be done by a bard as well. BGEE is just a stepping stone to the bg2 world for me :P