Do we get Steam Keys?
So now that BG:EE has released on Steam when we were told time and again that that would not happen, do those of us that already bought the game through Beamdog get Steam keys of the game so that we can play it using the method we would have preferred? An official statement on this would be great.
Given that Atari sucks and are jackasses I don't care to have it on Steam anymore. Atari can bite me.
I think you misunderstood me. I was agreeing with you.
As for your question on whether or not you will get a key for Steam if you've already purchased the game, I think that's a valid question and was answered in the thread discussing the release on Steam.
I'm one of the many people who prefer Steam over any other digital distribution platforms and sites, but for me the excitement about Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition has passed. Played it, didn't like it, if I ever want to recall how Baldur's Gate looked like I'll play the original. The problem does not concern me, although I was curious how much controversy will Steam cause... again.
So there is no problem policy wise from STEAM, maybe just the other end.
Hope the other side comes to the party here since they made it clear that this which has now happened would not happen...
etc, etc. As I said above, if they said something about a Steam possibility, it got lost in their shitty news system. Minutes of Googling turned up nothing that said Steam was a possibility. A legitimate concern, but so many other games have done the exact same thing and have still done amazingly well. It's up to Atari, I just wanted to know if they are going to be nice about it.
I feel for you guys that want the game on Steam but decided to be supporters and buy it on Beamdog anyway. In my opinion that exclusivity was a bad decision which I suppose they probably realized now.
I do hope they can manage to find a way to get Steam keys for it to those existing owners that do want it.
As for me, it was a day one purchase today the minute I saw it on Steam.
Getting steam keys to people who bought through is all on Atari's shoulders. They probably have little incentive other than not wanting to anger customers.
I've also bought the game twice already for myself (BD windows + iPad) and planned to get it for my mac as well, but now its pretty clear that I should just not bother and distance myself from future releases.
All respect to Trent and the team, followed you all on Twitter. You're all good people. I just hate getting effed around.
(Getting steam keys would, of course, placate me XD)
In another vein, will the steam release also work on macosx when it comes out?
Anyway, I think I'm done reading the steam key posts, since I really don't care either way. I do hope something can be worked out that's favorable for both Beamdog and those that want their steam keys though.
1. The decision to release BG:EE on Steam was made by Atari, not Overhaul (Overhaul was potentially even unaware of it until it happened).
2. Steam is making more money per sale than Overhaul is on each sale through Steam; this means that Overhaul is being screwed out of profits it was expecting already; and, based on all these discussions, is going to be even further screwed out of their profits by people returning BG:EE and re-buying it through Steam; this is all very messed up.
3. Despite all this, Trent is actively trying to convince Atari to give Steam keys to those that have already purchased through Beamdog.
4. As I understand it, Overhaul does not have direct control over updating the Steam version of the game, so that may be one way in which it falls behind...
Please consider the facts before you start b*tching about Overhaul. I know everyone in the world is in love with Steam, but Atari releasing this game on Steam is really hurting this development team.
I realize after everyone else gets their cut they aren't making a ton of money on each individual sale, but potentially if it sells a high volume they could still do well. Most mobile developers are making very, very little on each individual sale after Apple or Google get their cut and yet some of them still do quite well by selling a large volume.
And it's not like it's taking away sales on Beamdog to have it on Steam because pretty much everyone who really wanted it from Beamdog probably got it by now anyway.
So you're asking for a key to allow you to have to download again 2 GB of data, having to connect with just another login information for updates, that is slightly behind in terms of updates? Is this what you're asking? Being tied to another store?
It was clear from the start that there would be other ways to buy the game than Beamdog, but later. Even a box version was mentioned. In the event this box version is released, will you come back and demand to have it for free?
Let's say you bought some music from some independant music producer. Would you go to them and ask for a free key to download your music again from iTunes, since it's now available there?
And nobody's claiming that we should get a free boxed edition because we bought the game online. That's kind of a ridiculous comparison.
And to your comment about purchasing music from an independent producer and then asking for it on iTunes, that's also not an equal comparison. But even so, if that producer said you have to buy it from them because it will never be on iTunes, and then puts it on iTunes after you buy it from them, someone who wants to keep their music library in iTunes would have a right to be a bit upset about it. To Beamdog's credit it wasn't their fault that it happened this way, but even so...
However, iTunes != Steam. They are very different cases, and there is a HUGE precedent for owners of games, ESPECIALLY from independent developers, getting a free Steam key when it's released on the platform if it wasn't available from there originally.
I'm pretty sure the only reason we don't already have Steam keys is that it's on Atari and not Beamdog to make that decision. And it's entirely valid for someone to be upset with Atari if they choose not to go that route.