I beat Sarevok! :D (Definite spoilers... Yup.)

I just wanted to say that I beat Sarevok for the first time today. He scared me the first several times, what with his mages flinging magic everywhere, but damn, those wands of monster summoning are outright broken. >_<;; One charge for five monsters to stall Sarevok while you pick-off his mages? My god, why didn't I think of this before!? *angel chorus*
The ending was ok, though...I dunno, I almost felt a little unsatisfied at the end. The cinematic movie of Sarvy's death was cool and everything, (and my GOD, that huge chamber of nothing but Bhaalspawn statues... AHHH!) but then it just ends and sends you back to the title screen. Which is all right, I suppose, since there's the second game to consider, but... Well, if I had played this back in the day, and didn't know that there was another game in the making, I'd probably sag my shoulders and stare at the computer screen longingly. "So... That was it? No resolution? No epilogue? Just...the title screen?"
It probably didn't help that my protagonist got hit with a confusion spell and wandered around doing nothing the entire battle:
Charname: "All right, Sarevok! I'm coming at you! Let's end this, brother!"
Mage: "*casts Confusion* Nope. No epic confrontation for you."
Charname: "Duhhhhh... What am I doing here...? Let's wander to the left... Then the right... And OOH A SHINY BUG ON THE FLOOR! *wander**wander**wander*"
Luckily, he didn't trip any traps. Or kill any of his party members. Or die. *Phew!*
Anyway, now's the time to start all over again with a different character and wait for BG2:EE to come out.
What was the final battle like for you guys? Was it as epic as you had dreamed it would be, or far too easy? Or did something silly happen in the midst? And what did you do <i>after the battle had ended?
The ending was ok, though...I dunno, I almost felt a little unsatisfied at the end. The cinematic movie of Sarvy's death was cool and everything, (and my GOD, that huge chamber of nothing but Bhaalspawn statues... AHHH!) but then it just ends and sends you back to the title screen. Which is all right, I suppose, since there's the second game to consider, but... Well, if I had played this back in the day, and didn't know that there was another game in the making, I'd probably sag my shoulders and stare at the computer screen longingly. "So... That was it? No resolution? No epilogue? Just...the title screen?"
It probably didn't help that my protagonist got hit with a confusion spell and wandered around doing nothing the entire battle:
Charname: "All right, Sarevok! I'm coming at you! Let's end this, brother!"
Mage: "*casts Confusion* Nope. No epic confrontation for you."
Charname: "Duhhhhh... What am I doing here...? Let's wander to the left... Then the right... And OOH A SHINY BUG ON THE FLOOR! *wander**wander**wander*"
Luckily, he didn't trip any traps. Or kill any of his party members. Or die. *Phew!*
Anyway, now's the time to start all over again with a different character and wait for BG2:EE to come out.

The rest of the fight didn't take very long. His friends never even got a chance to cast a spell.
After the battle had ended? Rerolled another character.
When I first saw it so many years ago, I thought it was a fitting and epic conclusion,
Back in the day reloading was really difficult during combat, because entering the inventory would un-pause the game.
Anyway, congrats on your first kill of Sarevok! In my first kill of him in BGEE, I also wound up with Charname totally incapacitated for the entire fight. Frustrating, since he was a fighter/thief and I had intended for backstab/invispot/backstab combos to help in taking him down. Fortunately, Dorn got enough good hits in that it didn't matter that my star was out of commission.
But yeah, congratulations! I thought the ending was just fine -- it's like Jalily said, you just see that massive wall of Bhaalspawn, and you're like, "Whoa, there's more of us?". ...sort of like the end of Highlander: You think it's just the Kurgan and MacLeod, and then all of a sudden you get a whiff of all the alternate universes, with all these new immortals. 'Cept in both cases, I had the endings somewhat spoiled for me...
Though I can't stop looking at that humongous wall of statues and think to myself, "Well damn, Bhaal was a very busy man." Poor Charname. What a horrendous family reunion he (or she) has to look forward to. Now that I think about it, though, it definitely adds the sense that you're not quite done with the game yet... Then I hit the title screen, and pouted, "Aw, man! Now I have to wait for the next one!"
...Which is brilliant for the game designers, but saddening for the players. *sigh*
even close to the end at the meeting those nobles got their whole dialogs voiced but sarevok doesnt speak a word
Although what I wouldn't give just to hear that deliciously deep voice speak just a few more lines... *sighs* Probably my favorite voice acting in the whole game, next to Minsc and Jaheira.
That would be sad.
@hansolo If there were credits after the original ending movie, then they weren't there when I beat EE... I actually would have liked to see some credits. Good excuse to listen to the epic BG score.