I have to say that it is really hard question. Both games are kind of classic one. I was really young when I started playing and having fun with the first part. But to be honest I have to say that the second part of this epic game was really much more exciting. I find myself in this game, I was as one with my characters and also I felt with my heart and soul the whole tragic story connected with Irenicus and Ellesime. He is my favourite being in the whole game world- forever( I mean Irenicus of course ). So I have to say that I prefer second part to first part but I love both of them. My favourite game for ever and I can say it now when I am 20 years old.
I remember the moment BG2 came out I was thinking that it lost some of its predescesor's atmosphere. BG1 was about exploring the wilds, discovering the unknown, something which I missed a lot playing the second part...
I also prefered some graphical aspects of BG1: - the look of the wilds, trees in particular - so much better in BG1, - the inventory - the way our characters looked in some pieces of armor was simply hidious - portaits - so much better in BG1
But to tell you the truth these are just details. Nowadays I consider BG1 and BG2 to be just "Baldur's Gate". The second part is just a continuation... More like a 2nd episode of a TV series than a movie sequel if I may use that metaphore.
It's a tough call. They both had their strengths and weaknesses. I would probably vote for BG1, it was just so much more challenging in a way, being a level one character thrust out into the world. BG2 obviously had advantages as well, such as more and deeper NPC interactions and, of course, Jon freaking Irenicus. Hmm, it really is hard to say that one is really better than the other.
Lets ask it differently, Assuming that BG1 had higher resulution, NPC Interactions, More kits/abilitys and more Spells ( a.k.a BG:EE ), now which one would be the better game?
as I see it, the major adventage of BG2 is in those aspects ( which most of them corrected by Mods such as Tutu/BGT and NPC project ).
another thing that I noticed is that those who love to play as Wizards/Sorcerers will naturaly love BG2 more because of the higher levels/spells, and Warrior types will go for BG1..
overall I think that conserning storyline - BG1 is better, it is more complex, vague and mysterious, but thats just my personal opinion.
Asking such a question requires some minor thought really. Even if BG2 is the sequel, even if the games were made from the same developer, you need to remember that there was time between the two, for the devs to study what could be improved in the second one. Now, we might arguably know that this is not always the case (sequels CAN be worse than the first title), but I believe what BioWare did with BG2 was basically sacrifice a bit of that exploration feeling in Baldur's Gate 1 (with all the areas and such) to get less but more immersive areas in Baldur's Gate 2. The fact that characters in Baldur's Gate 2 are better developed was a simple amount of experience gathered in the devs I believe.
So which is better? In my opinion, both are great. I can't really compare the two because even if they are similar, they are different, great, awesome games.
I think Baulders Gate 1 for most early players will always be a favorite. For me its the general simplicity and nostalgic assets found throughout Bauldrs Gate 1, from characters, story etc, and the gradual development, from a then new game engine and story, that set the more in-depth tone of gameplay for Baulders Gate 2. Its rewarding to see how Baulders Gate 2 refers to the first throughout the game, in characters and side quests, and its these small "easter eggs" elements taken from the first, that actually made the 2nd game simply feel like more additional content of the first (to put it in a slight exaggerated sense!). Although I do enjoy Baulders Gate 2, I always find myself looking back to the first.
Obviously BG2 is more advanced and is a better game in a technical sense, I feel there is something about the atmosphere and the total lack of handholding in BG1 which makes me appreciate it a lot more looking back.
Also, AD&D is balanced more for the level range in 1 rather than 2.
I really liked the Mage stronghold (played a necromancer first time BGII). The added depth to side quests was also fun. Of course, BGI had more raw exploration. The two games compliment each other. Gotta say though, TOB got a little tedious toward the end.
BG1 was IMO far superior to the second one, mainly, because of possibility of exploration of entire sword coast, it was the real feel of adventure, not following some quest rail road. BG2 was much more linear and lacked all these not needed locations, which made BG1 more into a fantasy world. BG2 is just a game. BG1 was a breakthrough.
BG1 was IMO far superior to the second one, mainly, because of possibility of exploration of entire sword coast, it was the real feel of adventure, not following some quest rail road. BG2 was much more linear and lacked all these not needed locations, which made BG1 more into a fantasy world. BG2 is just a game. BG1 was a breakthrough.
@Journeyman your nickname is not Journeyman for nothing
BG 2 was an awesome game. I enjoyed experiencing the high level content after working my way up. That said, I prefer BG1, and one of those reasons is the world layout. In BG1 you moved from area to area, exploring the forest and land between way points. In BG2 you really just skipped around to area's completely avoiding the areas in between. I think the idea of roaming the countryside in search of adventure is what role playing is all about, and Baldur's Gate 1 delivered that hands down.
If Beamdog designs some DLC for BG1 and 2, I very much hope that they build the world in the style and spirit of BG1, not the way they did it in BG2.
I love playing the BG1 and 2 both motsly BG 1 because you dident always have to follow the storyline. When the remake of BG 1 and 2 i hope it will have most of the orgin content, but with much more. I like to have many side quest so you could have a lot of exploration and that you could choose when you have to take to main story line. That i think was not a fact for BG2 when you mostly have to follow the storyline and was not many palaces to explore throught out the game.
That is way I always have find the BG1 the best roll playing game I have played.
When it come to the character building and level it's natural that BG 2 have a higher class bucause you then are on the second part of the story.
For me i hope that the new game come with a lot of new things.
One thing i would have like is hate the base point of character building from start like strength and the others it would be a possiblity to earn new points with level up or like the runes you could find some of and maybe shop? would be nice.
On the one hand I wouldn't compare these games, but rather look at them as ONE epic, simply fantastic, fully satisfying saga.
On the other hand it makes sense, especially in regard to an potential Baldur's Gate 3, to discuss the differences between the games so that the best things out of both can be brought together to create an even better game :-)
However, I won't paticipate in that discussion because the main points are already pointed out (freedom vs. party interaction ... ...)
Main reasons are the freedom to explore, the map as a whole, story, companions,... and of course I was younger and had more time for gaming.
BG2 introduced new features but the map was the most dissapointing. I was like mad to get out of Athkatla then to discover it was not a map designed as BG1
BG1 has more sentimental value for me as my first contact with the RPG genre (an absolutely fascinating one)
I enjoyed BG1 a lot! When I played it for the first time, I thought this to be a groundbreaking start (and I'm not a big RPG connoisseur) for a saga. The storyline, the party characters, the interface (yes, I prefer this one), free roaming, the colors were so good I couldn't stop playing and replaying it for a long time.
BG2 is still very good, even superior to BG1 in countless things (spells, battles, environments, etc.). The only parts that bothered me were Chapter 2 (Athkatla) and Chapter 3 (side quests outside Athkatla), but starting from Chapter 4 I think BG2 surpasses BG1 hands down. The colors though looked a bit washed out to me, to the point I could make out hue outlines, especially when comparing BG1 portraits. Anybody noticed this? BG1 portraits look rich in color and art IMO.
Other than that, I enjoyed BG2 more, but BG1 still holds that special 'something' BG2 seems to lack at the beginning, but that's just me.
I prefer BG2 but i think its more because i played it wen i was older and understood everything a bit more so its more sentimentality then saying its the better game. Can we not just hold them both up as greater deity's of gaming's past and hold them as equals
Never liked how you were forced to rescue Imoen and how it was made the main plot. Of course, there was also your divine essence at stake, but CHARNAME kept telling every met person "I just want you to know, a friend of mine has been captured by the Cowled Wizards..." bla bla bla. Annoying.
Basically, it's the only drawback of BG2 I can think of. In this aspect, BG1 is much more credible. The main plot has no weak points - I love how it unravels, gains momentum.
Having said that, I don't think you could say either game is better. The main difference is that BG1 is much more theatrical (for lack of a better word), while BG2 is like a Richard Wagner's opera, it has more panache.
I like bg1 quite a bit more than 2. It was more non-linear but mostly it was the outdoor areas that did it for me. I would get lost exploring each of them, knowing that certain death could await me at every turn. That and a low lvl 1-12 party game is much more interesting than a lvl 40 god that can destroy anything in a few rounds. The one thing that 2 has in its defense was the roleplaying due to classes. The only way i think that if they do bg3 is if your a low lvl again. The main character can't get anymore powerful.
Well i seem to think that baldurs gate 1 was much better then baldurs gate 2. i think that even though heaps of people say that the Bg2 engine/setup was better i hate it. i was so much more used to the original and i think it was way better and is it just me or in Bg2 on the inventory screen the characters look some what retarted (especially imoen and jehira)? What are your guys opinions?
BG1 definitely had the better models, or "paper dolls" as they're called. The women "paper dolls" or "avatars" from BG2 are simply not as good as BG1.
I particularly do not like how two-handed weapons are held by characters. They look all limp armed and move around/sway too much.
I prefer both games for different reason , BG 1 for the starting feel and freedom of exploration , I did once travel from one end of the map to another end and got ambushed 4 times before arriving at the destination . SoA for the character interaction , sub plot storyline , diverse monster/foe . I like both games , but as usual you will be biased towards your first love .
It's impossible to say which game I like better, it's like asking which parent you love more. They were both magnificent, with their own strengths. The main ones being : open maps in BG1, and party banter/romances in BG2.
If the enhanced version puts party banter a'la BG2 in BG1, plus conversations started by player (something similar to 'flirt-pack', but better executed and not only romance- based), AND then puts open maps in enhanced BG2, I will be in HEAVEN. Oh, and a complete overhaul of ToB would make me happy as well, I hated that story line where I only had to find and fight bosses, and anyone I tried to help ended up dead and it was blamed on me. Gets old very fast.
It's impossible to say which game I like better, it's like asking which parent you love more. They were both magnificent, with their own strengths. The main ones being : open maps in BG1, and party banter/romances in BG2.
If the enhanced version puts party banter a'la BG2 in BG1, plus conversations started by player (something similar to 'flirt-pack', but better executed and not only romance- based), AND then puts open maps in enhanced BG2, I will be in HEAVEN.
Oh, and a complete overhaul of ToB would make me happy as well, I hated that story line where I only had to find and fight bosses, and anyone I tried to help ended up dead and it was blamed on me. Gets old very fast.
This a billion times! Feels like TOB was kind of rushed back in the day. Chapter 9 was so heavily hack-and-slash to me it strayed away from the standard BG philosophy which made the franchise successful IMHO. Main reason was the fact they released TOB as an expansion pack to SOA (EPs feel so cheesy to me, BG1 TOTSC was my least favorite part of the game). I guess those who liked to play as warriors enjoyed this, but to me Chapter 9 lacked strategy and depth.
Would a longer, fast-paced, brand-new game from scratch - maybe even call it BG3 TOB - been better?
This a billion times! Feels like TOB was kind of rushed back in the day. Chapter 9 was so heavily hack-and-slash to me it strayed away from the standard BG philosophy which made the franchise successful IMHO. Main reason was the fact they released TOB as an expansion pack to SOA (EPs feel so cheesy to me, BG1 TOTSC was my least favorite part of the game). I guess those who liked to play as warriors enjoyed this, but to me Chapter 9 lacked strategy and depth.
I didnt like TOB at all.. The the fact that I hate ultra high levels is one thing, but the main thing is that TOB was IWDish Linear, although I like IWD, it doesnt fit in a series such as baldurs gate. If you look all they way from BG1 to TOB you can notice that as you advance more in the game, It becomes more Linear.
As for TOTSC, I Liked this expansion alot for several reasons. Contrary to TOB, Totsc areas took place in the same map as of BG1, which make you feel that the game was really Expanded, you could go to Durlag's Tower when ever you want, once you installed Totsc, It was integral part of the game. TOB was more like another mini game than an expansion.
Second thing, I LOVED Durlag's Tower, Brilliant!! you have the feeling of danger and great MYSTERY all the way to the bottom, It is by far my favorite place in all of the series ( I just love ancient hunted places ).
If i had to pick i would probably say the first game purely on the fact that i liked the npc's a lot more in the first game , i was a little dissapointed when some didnt return in the second game as usable characters ( Ajantis, Xan, Coran, Kivan) . I know they had small apperances but i really like those characters. I also agree with a lot of the comments about the first being a lot more free roam. It just felt more engaging to me This doesnt change the fact that the second game is amazing too
I also prefered some graphical aspects of BG1:
- the look of the wilds, trees in particular - so much better in BG1,
- the inventory - the way our characters looked in some pieces of armor was simply hidious
- portaits - so much better in BG1
But to tell you the truth these are just details. Nowadays I consider BG1 and BG2 to be just "Baldur's Gate". The second part is just a continuation... More like a 2nd episode of a TV series than a movie sequel if I may use that metaphore.
I liked it being more deep, more stuff to do and to choose from. (And im a sucker for spells, there being alot more. aswell as i Love playing Wiz).
as I see it, the major adventage of BG2 is in those aspects ( which most of them corrected by Mods such as Tutu/BGT and NPC project ).
another thing that I noticed is that those who love to play as Wizards/Sorcerers will naturaly love BG2 more because of the higher levels/spells, and Warrior types will go for BG1..
overall I think that conserning storyline - BG1 is better, it is more complex, vague and mysterious, but thats just my personal opinion.
The fact that characters in Baldur's Gate 2 are better developed was a simple amount of experience gathered in the devs I believe.
So which is better? In my opinion, both are great. I can't really compare the two because even if they are similar, they are different, great, awesome games.
Also, AD&D is balanced more for the level range in 1 rather than 2.
If Beamdog designs some DLC for BG1 and 2, I very much hope that they build the world in the style and spirit of BG1, not the way they did it in BG2.
I love playing the BG1 and 2 both motsly BG 1 because you dident always have to follow the storyline. When the remake of BG 1 and 2 i hope it will have most of the orgin content, but with much more. I like to have many side quest so you could have a lot of exploration and that you could choose when you have to take to main story line. That i think was not a fact for BG2 when you mostly have to follow the storyline and was not many palaces to explore throught out the game.
That is way I always have find the BG1 the best roll playing game I have played.
When it come to the character building and level it's natural that BG 2 have a higher class bucause you then are on the second part of the story.
For me i hope that the new game come with a lot of new things.
One thing i would have like is hate the base point of character building from start like strength and the others it would be a possiblity to earn new points with level up or like the runes you could find some of and maybe shop? would be nice.
On the other hand it makes sense, especially in regard to an potential Baldur's Gate 3, to discuss the differences between the games so that the best things out of both can be brought together to create an even better game :-)
However, I won't paticipate in that discussion because the main points are already pointed out (freedom vs. party interaction ... ...)
I personally enjoyed BG1 more than BG2.
Main reasons are the freedom to explore, the map as a whole, story, companions,... and of course I was younger and had more time for gaming.
BG2 introduced new features but the map was the most dissapointing. I was like mad to get out of Athkatla then to discover it was not a map designed as BG1
BG2 is still very good, even superior to BG1 in countless things (spells, battles, environments, etc.). The only parts that bothered me were Chapter 2 (Athkatla) and Chapter 3 (side quests outside Athkatla), but starting from Chapter 4 I think BG2 surpasses BG1 hands down. The colors though looked a bit washed out to me, to the point I could make out hue outlines, especially when comparing BG1 portraits. Anybody noticed this? BG1 portraits look rich in color and art IMO.
Other than that, I enjoyed BG2 more, but BG1 still holds that special 'something' BG2 seems to lack at the beginning, but that's just me.
Basically, it's the only drawback of BG2 I can think of. In this aspect, BG1 is much more credible. The main plot has no weak points - I love how it unravels, gains momentum.
Having said that, I don't think you could say either game is better. The main difference is that BG1 is much more theatrical (for lack of a better word), while BG2 is like a Richard Wagner's opera, it has more panache.
Both games deserve equal love! :-)
I particularly do not like how two-handed weapons are held by characters. They look all limp armed and move around/sway too much.
They were both magnificent, with their own strengths.
The main ones being : open maps in BG1, and party banter/romances in BG2.
If the enhanced version puts party banter a'la BG2 in BG1, plus conversations started by player (something similar to 'flirt-pack', but better executed and not only romance- based), AND then puts open maps in enhanced BG2, I will be in HEAVEN.
Oh, and a complete overhaul of ToB would make me happy as well, I hated that story line where I only had to find and fight bosses, and anyone I tried to help ended up dead and it was blamed on me.
Would a longer, fast-paced, brand-new game from scratch - maybe even call it BG3 TOB - been better?
I didnt like TOB at all.. The the fact that I hate ultra high levels is one thing, but the main thing is that TOB was IWDish Linear, although I like IWD, it doesnt fit in a series such as baldurs gate. If you look all they way from BG1 to TOB you can notice that as you advance more in the game, It becomes more Linear.
As for TOTSC, I Liked this expansion alot for several reasons. Contrary to TOB, Totsc areas took place in the same map as of BG1, which make you feel that the game was really Expanded, you could go to Durlag's Tower when ever you want, once you installed Totsc, It was integral part of the game. TOB was more like another mini game than an expansion.
Second thing, I LOVED Durlag's Tower, Brilliant!! you have the feeling of danger and great MYSTERY all the way to the bottom, It is by far my favorite place in all of the series ( I just love ancient hunted places
But thats just me