Stealing in Stores - Questions (spoilers)

I've recently started a game with a Jester, and now that I actually have a character with a high pick-pockets score, *and* knowing that there is a "Fence" in BG who will buy stolen shop goods i.e.
Black Lilly
I'm interested in stealing from stores, BUT I have no idea how this mechanic works e.g. what affects chances of success, what happens in the long run if you fail (e.g. as well as being attacked by everyone in sight, does the store stop selling to you for good?). Specifically:
* Does the chance of success vary from store to store?
* Does the chance of succsess vary from item to item?
Also how can I find out the base chance of success? I have Near Infinity installed, so can look things up, if pointed in the right direction.
Is it possible to steal even high value items (e.g. dagger of venom, full plate, light crossbow of speed, even stuff like a recharged shield amulet, which is not cheap) with a pickpockets score of 100 or do you need to go even higher (e.g. using potions of master thievery)?
How high a pickpockets score do you need to pickpocket Drizzt?
Any other pick pocketing/store stealing tips? Thanks!
Black Lilly
I'm interested in stealing from stores, BUT I have no idea how this mechanic works e.g. what affects chances of success, what happens in the long run if you fail (e.g. as well as being attacked by everyone in sight, does the store stop selling to you for good?). Specifically:
* Does the chance of success vary from store to store?
* Does the chance of succsess vary from item to item?
Also how can I find out the base chance of success? I have Near Infinity installed, so can look things up, if pointed in the right direction.
Is it possible to steal even high value items (e.g. dagger of venom, full plate, light crossbow of speed, even stuff like a recharged shield amulet, which is not cheap) with a pickpockets score of 100 or do you need to go even higher (e.g. using potions of master thievery)?
How high a pickpockets score do you need to pickpocket Drizzt?
Any other pick pocketing/store stealing tips? Thanks!
The number of items you steal doesn't influence your chance of success so you can clean a store out if you have the room.
Hopefully Beamdog will prohibit stealing from the fences who buy stolen goods to eliminate the unlimited gold exploit of selling to the fence, stealing from the fence, selling to the fence, stealing....
At level 1 or 2, I got caught trying to steal The One Gift Lost on Nashkel Carnival (at 3300 gold for me), and only the store owner turned hostile and got killed. I can't remember if I ever failed in a city store; I often forget I could also try to steal things.
I did succeed to pickpocket Elminster in the very first encounter on level 1, but he had no items. I was a very sad jester.
I did succeed to pickpocket from the red wizards that you meet on that one platform (Pedvale? Larswood? Somewhere on the Eastern part of the world map...). If you have Edwin in the group, they won't fight you and instead walk off the platform in a neat row, so you can pickpocket level 5 scrolls from them one by one.
There's a difficulty number assigned to almost all sto files, though you actually can't steal from most of them.
Look in the sto files for the "Can Steal" flag, that should tell you which stores can actually be stolen from.
Is the steal difficulty based purely on the store, or also affected by either or both of:
* number of items
* value of the item (or possibly some stealing variable attached to the item itself)?
This is not recommended for multiplayer since you WILL fail a lot unless you put points unto pickpocketing (which I never do). Even if you do just 1 item (Ring of Wiz for 9000 gold) it's worth using the potion.
Monteron has decent Pick pocket percentage but you can always pick up brave sir Garrik for the task and dump him afterwards.
cheezy but effective.
I just tested this in BG:EE and stole 143 consecutive times out of 143 attempts without being caught from the merchant in Nashkel (just stopped there because that is when Imoen again filled up with arrows).
The odds of stealing 143 consecutive times when there is a 5% chance to fail every time is 0.06% so I am going to go out on a limb and say that there isn't a baseline 5% chance of failure when robbing from a store.
However, even at a the 75% that I'm currently sitting at, I still fail.
But the max Pickpocket chance you can have is 95% after all modifiers, and lowest is 5%, so even with a the maximum possible Pickpocket skill without wrap-around, you are never guaranteed to steal.
You're just getting lucky, or perhaps, stealing items that cheap gives you a bonus that will allow over 95%.
edit: looks like @ZanathKariashi beat me to it
The odds of that with a 5% failure rate are 0.00038%. That 5% baseline doesn't fly with actual testing.
I usually chuck a few potions of master thievery anyway. I steal about 6-8 items in each session. Save and repeat. By mid-game, I have so much gold I didnt bother stealing anymore. I think the chance of failure is 1% not 5% (1d100 dice). I read this from other posters in this and other forums.
Set trap and Detect illusion have no bonuses or penalties...they just do. Though DI checks each illusion individually, rather then a one shot per round to dispel to them, though once you get it to the 80+ range it might as well be.
Open Lock and Disarm trap use a threshold system...if you're less then the threshold, you can never succeed. For Open Locks if you're up to between 1-5 points over the threshold you have a 50% chance to succeed, and over 5 is 100%. Traps are similar. Except you need about 5 points more then the find to disarm them. Durlag's is a good example of this. There's several traps that can be found with 95 skill, but take 100 to actually disarm. And then there's weird ones, like the trap on the drawer on the bottom floor of the Candlekeep inn (that has the scrolls of Armor and Infravision in it) that has a 0 threshhold and can be detected if you use a script that forces non-thieves to attempt to search for traps, even though they don't have any skill at it at all.
For testing conditions, I pumped Imoen up to 245 pickpocket with potions. I emptied her inventory and stole everything so that the arrows appear on the first page so I could quickly rattle off stealing 61 items before she filled up. I dumped all the items stolen to get to that point and then saved the game with empty slots since it is quicker to reload than to drop 16 items from your inventory.
So Imoen has now stolen 486 consecutive items without being caught. If there is a 1% baseline chance of being caught, the odds of stealing 486 consecutive times without failure is less 0.76%.
Then I decided since I wasted this much of my life testing this that I would steal enough so that the number dropped below a 1 in a 1000 chance that Imoen was getting lucky.
736 consecutive steals with a 1% failure rate with zero failures occurs 0.06% of the time. For fun, Imoen stole all the platemail and splint armor along with the large shields one time as well. That means the odds of this being random and there actually being a 1% failure rate is 1 in 1631. (This calculation is simple - you take .99^X where X is the number of attempts and you multiply the result by 100 to get the % chance. To get the "1 in a" you simply divide 1 by .99^X.)
I think those people are wrong.
Edit: Typo if to of...