I think Overhaul deserves a lot of credit. This game is way better than it's original form to me.

After beating it once to test out a mod...and playing it a lot....just kind of having fun with it, and not powergaming too much...
I have to say that I'm am mostly satisfied with where BGEE has gone, there are still some mods I'd like to see comeback and an official Shadowkeeper style editing program which should be made at some point available since SK in Windows 7 and on is a bit of a chore...but all in all, the game is a better experience.
I love how in depth the patches have been, and it's my hope that this keeps up and we don't lose the support to keep making the game better for a time. But if you guys get to do a BG3 or more ports of older games I will be buying them.
Thank you so much for trying to do this right, you can't please all of the people all of the time, but at least you guys seem to always want to do better.
I have to say that I'm am mostly satisfied with where BGEE has gone, there are still some mods I'd like to see comeback and an official Shadowkeeper style editing program which should be made at some point available since SK in Windows 7 and on is a bit of a chore...but all in all, the game is a better experience.
I love how in depth the patches have been, and it's my hope that this keeps up and we don't lose the support to keep making the game better for a time. But if you guys get to do a BG3 or more ports of older games I will be buying them.
Thank you so much for trying to do this right, you can't please all of the people all of the time, but at least you guys seem to always want to do better.
My only complaint is the lack of available mods(SCS, level 1 NPCs in particular), but that is not the responsibility of the game devs and will come in due time.
I think the thing I love the most though, is the constant support from not just the community, but the developers themselves
Still, there's something about playing BG Vanilla with the NPC proficiency's the way they were meant to be. Tutu/BG:EE has done a royal fuck around on just about every single NPC you encounter which is annoying as hell
What's wrong with the NPCs proficiency points?
They are all pretty much equivalent to BG1 vanilla given the engine changes.
Khalid goes from 2 in Large Swords, 1 in Axe, 1 in Bow to 2 in Long Sword, 1 in Axe, 1 in Longbow.
Minsc goes from 2 in Large Swords, 1 in Blunt, 1 in Bow to 2 in Two Handed Swords, 1 in Mace, 1 in Longbow.
Given the engine changes on proficiency types I don't see how you could get much closer. Though I'd love a toggle option in the config to do what NPC Level 1 does.
there are a couple of odd ones. kivan to halberds? should've been spears. i just think they took the wrong option from the larger weapon pools in some cases. only SOME though and not enough that i actually care, it doesn't make an NPC unplayable
Though I don't really like the bluish UI
Just kidding
Only thing I really miss from the original release are the spell casting sounds... Vita-mortis-whatever is so irritating!