This appears to be one of the great misconceptions of the game; I'm not sure where it came from, but for clarification:
There will be no dedicated servers for multiplayer. You'll still be hosting the game yourself. What the match-making service will do is facilitate that hosting by allowing users to connect and host games without requiring each other's IP addresses.
The games themselves will be hosted by whoever is hosting the game.
As to an ETA, unfortunately I don't have that information available. I've heard speculations as early as four weeks, but really it'll be whenever it's done and ready to be released with confidence.
@Aosaw I think this is where the misconception comes from: I had to read this several times to figure out what it meant and I figured wrong in the end. Not sure if anyone else had trouble understanding this though.
I probably misunderstood because I almost never play games with people I don't know IRL and thus I am not familiar with the various types of multiplayer services that are offered.
@Aosaw I think this is where the misconception comes from: I had to read this several times to figure out what it meant and I figured wrong in the end. Not sure if anyone else had trouble understanding this though.
I probably misunderstood because I almost never play games with people I don't know IRL and thus I am not familiar with the various types of multiplayer services that are offered.
Although I suspect it will still operate the way that I stated, it may be that the hosted games will ping the server just to be listed as active games.
So the server won't host the games themselves, but it will still facilitate the hosting.
There will be no dedicated servers for multiplayer. You'll still be hosting the game yourself. What the match-making service will do is facilitate that hosting by allowing users to connect and host games without requiring each other's IP addresses.
The games themselves will be hosted by whoever is hosting the game.
As to an ETA, unfortunately I don't have that information available. I've heard speculations as early as four weeks, but really it'll be whenever it's done and ready to be released with confidence.
I had to read this several times to figure out what it meant and I figured wrong in the end. Not sure if anyone else had trouble understanding this though.
I probably misunderstood because I almost never play games with people I don't know IRL and thus I am not familiar with the various types of multiplayer services that are offered.
Although I suspect it will still operate the way that I stated, it may be that the hosted games will ping the server just to be listed as active games.
So the server won't host the games themselves, but it will still facilitate the hosting.