How many hours do you play BG:EE in a week?

I'm interested on knowing how many hours can people allot for BG:EE. If you can also share when (or what other situation) do you usually play, it'll be much appreciated.
- How many hours do you play BG:EE in a week?85 votes
- Less than 1 hour  3.53%
- 1-5 hours15.29%
- 6-10 hours27.06%
- 11-15 hours20.00%
- 16-20 hours  8.24%
- 21-30 hours  2.35%
- More than 30 hours  1.18%
- I don't play BG:EE10.59%
- Others11.76%
I'm mostly just here to lobby for closer implementation of PnP rules in certain areas where possible, or at the very least more consistent, less biased implementation. Some classes are barely implemented at all with no compensation for what's missing, and others are grossly more powerful then they should be, with little to no downsides to pay for it. I don't mind imbalances due to the way the system simply works (aka Magic owning just about everything at high levels, cause that's just how 2nd Ed DnD is), but imbalances due to biased and inconsistent implementation I do not like at all.
When it first came out, I got about thirty hours in over that week, or a little more - wasn't really counting (I know it was about seven or eight hours per day). The week after the release, I got about two hours. If I were to say a mean average at this point, probably about one or two hours each week.
Now I got into the similar situation. PLEASE, don´t get me wrong, I ´m sure they will patch the game, I don´t want to make fuss about it and still want to support the developers of my most favorite RPG (this is my third copy of the game after all), but I´m 99% sure that all this release is just because of porting the game to tablets and again, taking the PC crowd with it. And we all know what multi-platform development means. COMPROMISES or longer and more costly development. I always laughed about the statement, but now with new consoles coming, tablets etc... PC gaming really feels like slowly dying, with entire genres disappearing.
I support this game (with my work) with the firm belief that there will be a new game in this genre made by the Overhaul team. If i wouldn't believe that, i wouldn't have joined them.
Isn't playing BG:EE part of the job description for being a beta tester?
But I don´t know if I care about next BG game, if it is going to be multi-platform game. Same as I don´t care about sequels to Thief, Doom, etc... Because it is just about bringing the games to other platforms instead of improving the already great games, they will make as many compromises as possible, making it actually different game.
People still play EQ?
Last time I played was when progression servers hit, but quit once later expansions got put back in.