Greetings fellow Adventurers.

Hi all.
Hope I'm posting in the right section.
I decided to get Baldur's Gate EE version, today and am looking forward to playing it (it's downloading now as I post this message).
I'm an old-time D&D Player (Pen and Paper) from years ago (though I've not done that for a looong time now), and am now an avid PC Gamer.
I am a Steam-User (I have a large collection of games I've got via Steam these last couple of years or so), but after lurking about these forums, and the Steam forums, off and on for a couple of days, I decided I'd prefer to purchase BG:EE direct from the BeamDog site for a few reasons;
* I wanted to better support the Developers / Beamdog.
* It seems that Steam's version of BG:EE is behind in being updated with current patches (and it appears it may be lag behind in any future updates / patches as well). So, I also prefer to be able to have the most up-to-date version of the game and when the newest updates are released.
* The forums here seem more friendly and helpful towards fellow Players of the BG:EE game.
* I'm open-minded enough, and not against, having more than 1 gaming-client on my computer.
BTW, if it wasn't for BG:EE being on Steam, I wouldn't even have known about this version of the game being available, so I guess that's a good thing it's on Steam too and may help bring in some new Players of this game that may not have otherwise even known about it.
Anyways, it looks like my download just finished. Now to try it out, get a good hit of nostalgia, and slay some Orcs and what-not. Cheers!
Hope I'm posting in the right section.
I decided to get Baldur's Gate EE version, today and am looking forward to playing it (it's downloading now as I post this message).
I'm an old-time D&D Player (Pen and Paper) from years ago (though I've not done that for a looong time now), and am now an avid PC Gamer.
I am a Steam-User (I have a large collection of games I've got via Steam these last couple of years or so), but after lurking about these forums, and the Steam forums, off and on for a couple of days, I decided I'd prefer to purchase BG:EE direct from the BeamDog site for a few reasons;
* I wanted to better support the Developers / Beamdog.
* It seems that Steam's version of BG:EE is behind in being updated with current patches (and it appears it may be lag behind in any future updates / patches as well). So, I also prefer to be able to have the most up-to-date version of the game and when the newest updates are released.
* The forums here seem more friendly and helpful towards fellow Players of the BG:EE game.
* I'm open-minded enough, and not against, having more than 1 gaming-client on my computer.
BTW, if it wasn't for BG:EE being on Steam, I wouldn't even have known about this version of the game being available, so I guess that's a good thing it's on Steam too and may help bring in some new Players of this game that may not have otherwise even known about it.
Anyways, it looks like my download just finished. Now to try it out, get a good hit of nostalgia, and slay some Orcs and what-not. Cheers!

Greetings Don! Right nice introduction I say.
And no orcs in the south, just plenty of gibberlings...and kobolds. so many kobolds.
Yes, it's just been released on Steam recently, you can see the store page for that here:
But as I mentioned in my first post, after lurking about between the forums, I thought the better choice would be to get direct from the BeamDog site.
I look forwards to playing the game and hanging out here sometimes.
And yes, Lords...185, BGEE is on Steam, currently fighting it out in the top of the top selling list with Euro Truck Simulator 2 - oh, the excitement!
May I just say there are no Giaks, in this game. Or Drakkarrim. Or Darklords, Helghast, Vordaks, Kraan or even Crypt spawn.
Alether is not a combat enhancing drug and Lamspur just cannot be found.
Your weapons will not include the The Sommerswerd, The Dagger of Vashna, a Silver bow of Duadon or even a Jeweled mace.
There is a mining town due south of the main city, but it's not named Ruanon.
Magic is also neither left or right.
Whilst there is no lorestones, doomstones or moonstones. You can actually sell any of the other stones you find.
Dragons are not now extinct.
You will not need to carry a silver star pendant for 20 nigh adventures.
Apart from that EVERYTHING is nearly the same! You even start at a monastery! (Although candlekeep has charms to stop it from burning down... Those Kia lords missed a trick there... Oh and Kia is a type of attack available to Kensias and Monks...)
One you've saved the Sword Coast once and the scales have fallen from your eyes then come back, share a tale and find out what you've missed out on first time through!
I'll try to keep some of your words-of-wisdom in mind, but like starting off fresh in most games, I'm sure I'll learn as I go and enjoy the exploration and adventure.
I did have the original Baldur's Gate years ago, but I forget much of it now, so playing this BG:EE version will probably be like playing a "new game" for me in many ways.
Anyways, I have a fresh Mug-o-Coffe +1 on hand, and about ready to use my magic-box to fire-up the adventure.
That said, welcome. And enjoy the game... which shouldn't be hard for you to do, being a D&D fan.
Small thing btw; there's no need to use the Beamdog client to run the game; I don't even have it installed or know what it looks like! Game's launcher works just fine or even the .exe.
And, regarding my nick-name, "LoneWolfDon". well, my first name is Don. I'm an avid Martial-Artist (trained for over 30 years now, in various styles, and even spent several years living in Asia and training direct from some of the Masters there), and one of my old-time favorite series of "Samurai" type movies, a long-running Japanese TV-show/series, along with a popular series of graphic-novels was about a Ronin (Masterless Samurai), who was fearsome to behold in battle, took on all comers (he was "marked for death" and often had assassins coming out of the wood-work out to get him), often being largely outnumbered he'd still managed fight through them all and kept on going, and because of his fierceness and skill in battle he was often known by the nick-name of "Lone Wolf". He was also protecting his son, which he pushed along in a rickety wooden cart (which had various weapons and other such surprises hidden in it), and his son being referred to by the nick-name of "Cub", thus the series "Lone Wolf and Cub":
Anyways, so LoneWolfDon, it's a nick-name I've adopted for myself for internet use on various forums and such for several years now.
@Sylvus_Moonbow & @Bhaaldog: Salutes to you mighty Adventuers. Thank yea for thy salutations. May fame 'n good fortune bestown upon thee as well.
@Silverstar: Thanks for the welcome aboard and the tips. And, being familiar with old-school D&D from years ago when I used to play it in my youth, it's easy enough for me to know what's what and generally understand how things work. So, in a way, playing this game so far has been like meeting an old, yet new, friend.
I wasn't trying to make a new "Steam-thread", but I mentioned about that I was a Steam-User as that's where I found out about this version of the game, but I decided to get BG:EE from BeamDog's site for some of the reasons I mentioned in my first post.
Cheers! Now, onwards to glory.
Attaching a nice pic of "Lone Wolf"
Because of my own life experience, I often feel I have the heart-of-a-warrior, or am somewhat of a modern-day Masterless-Samurai myself
Anyways, I've been continuing my adventuring with this game, and having lots of good fun. Lots to explore. Much enjoying the unfolding story, quests and voice-acting too. Great game, glad I decided to grab it.
To update the game you either have to use the launcher (Haven't used that myself) or use Beamdogs client. If you start up Beamdogs client then you need to tell it to update. It doesn't do it automatically. Under the tab "My games" it should either say "Ready to play" or "update available". If it says "update available" you can simply press it. You can also choose to play the game without updating. (if you for some reason dislike the update?)
@stygga: Aye, well... there's been plenty enough other villainous-scum to meet my blade.
PS: Is anyone else finding Khalid a whiney-arse? Well, I kind of like him, but he's irritating too sometimes. I was almost tempted to boot him from the party early on, but, he's kinda grown on me now (like mold
Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy the game as much as I do
I've been rather addicted to playing this game since I got it. I'm taking my time to explore, read things, enjoy the story and nuances of the game. I think it's probably one of the best true-to-D&D PC games I've ever played. It's been good fun.
There was a couple of parts I had to re-do (such as one quest didn't seem to register that I completed it, so I re-did it from one of my earlier save-points and it then worked ok), and some other little minor glitches and hiccups. But overall, the game's been working good.
Regarding Orcs.. well, I haven't seen any yet in-game (maybe they are later on?). But no worries, there's lots of other baddies to encounter.
I did recall seeing some indirect mention of half-orcs and orcs though (see my attached screen-shot).
And, what of Dorn?
Who is a Half-Orc (I did meet him, but, I didn't let him join my party, as his Evil alignment clashed too much with my character and current party-members. I kinda liked his character, but, I didn't take him into my group this time, besides, I already had a full group then).
One thing that gave me a sad-face was... when a couple of my party Members got turned into stone (from a tough fight with a basilisk) , then managing to get stone-to-flesh scrolls to use on them to bring them back, rather than thanking me for saving them, when talking to them, they seem all angry and offended (as if I kicked them out of my party
Okay, back to some more adventuring for now.
I just finished the final battle and even though it was a tuff fight, I managed to keep all of my party members alive through it too.
Great game!