Steam version worth playing?

I had been looking forward to this since I first heard about it, and then immediately purchased it when I saw that it was on Steam.
I was upset to later find out that I do not have the latest version of the game, with no word of when it will be updated?
I'm curious if it would be worth it to start playing the Steam version now, I don't want to just end up frustrating myself, and I don't want to have to start a new game whenever the updates are finally released. ...but is the Steam version worth playing at all right now?
I was upset to later find out that I do not have the latest version of the game, with no word of when it will be updated?
I'm curious if it would be worth it to start playing the Steam version now, I don't want to just end up frustrating myself, and I don't want to have to start a new game whenever the updates are finally released. ...but is the Steam version worth playing at all right now?
Atari would have to get those updates to Steam, and then Steam would have to upload them.
Why on earth would you pick:
Beamdog -> Atari -> Steam -> You for distribution over Beamdog -> You
Even if Steam gets updated to 2012 we may be on 2013 by the time that happens. So, personally, I think the Steam version will never be worth playing when you can play the Beamdog direct version that is always updated the moment Beamdog decides it is ready.
Others who enjoy having to wait on a lot of red tape to get bug fixes may disagree with me.
To answer your first question on no word of when it will be updated, there is no way ANYONE here could know. Atari already has the updated version, you should contact them and ask them when they are going to release 2012 to Steam.
Edit: you can look to see what's been fixed in the latest patches here. So you can see for yourself if any fixes look major enough to make it worth the wait for the patches to come to Steam.
Maybe one day Overhaul could take over updating on steam, or not, but it would be the best option imo.
indierelatively small outfits like Beamdog, but is flaming this guy's thread really the best way to do it?Ah, I apologize, I had just come from a thread where a guy bought it from Beamdog and demanded a refund and then went and bought it from Steam and was upset that it was behind on versions.
I jumped the gun there. My bad.
Edit: I just remembered that Beamdog is the name of the publisher, while Overhaul is the development team. And calling a publisher 'indie' makes zero sense. My bad.
I think someone said it works if you disable hardware mouse or some option like that.
For example, when you start a new game, go into the room where you are attacked by an assassin, come out - an NPC immediately rushes up to you to ask what happened, in the EE this npc is greatly delayed, so much that you can go do another quest before he shows up.