Sorcerer protagonist spell selection and stats

Has anyone here ever played a sorcerer charname intending to import it to BG2:EE? I ask this because in this situation you should consider selecting spells that remain useful on higher levels. Here is my list, regarding how many spells you know at level 9, in order of importance:
1st level:
Magic Missile
2nd level:
Mirror Image
Melf's Acid Arrow
3rd level:
Skull Trap
Dispel Magic
4th level:
Emotion - Hopelessness
Also, about stats, I just rolled a score of 91 and, as an elf, distributed them like this:
18 str
19 dex
17 con
10 int
15 wis
12 cha
Constitution was set at 17 to use the Claw of Kazgaroth, Wisdom was set at 15 because I plan to give him the 3 tomes to reach 18 and eventually use the 9th circle Wish spell, and Charisma was set at 12 so I can get it up to 20 with Algernon's Cloak and casting a Friends spell (max discount at stores).
Aside from eventually fighting Mind Flayers on BG2, is Intelligence completely useless for a sorcerer?
Please feel free to comment or criticize my spell selection and stats!
1st level:
Magic Missile
2nd level:
Mirror Image
Melf's Acid Arrow
3rd level:
Skull Trap
Dispel Magic
4th level:
Emotion - Hopelessness
Also, about stats, I just rolled a score of 91 and, as an elf, distributed them like this:
18 str
19 dex
17 con
10 int
15 wis
12 cha
Constitution was set at 17 to use the Claw of Kazgaroth, Wisdom was set at 15 because I plan to give him the 3 tomes to reach 18 and eventually use the 9th circle Wish spell, and Charisma was set at 12 so I can get it up to 20 with Algernon's Cloak and casting a Friends spell (max discount at stores).
Aside from eventually fighting Mind Flayers on BG2, is Intelligence completely useless for a sorcerer?
Please feel free to comment or criticize my spell selection and stats!
I'm not a huge fan of Melf's Acid Arrow either, but then, I tend to keep an archer with fire/acid arrows around in SoA and prefer other means of disrupting enemy mages. I like picking up either Stinking Cloud or Web to give an AoE disabling effect. True, you get that out of Emotion, but the nice think about SC/Web is that the enemy has to make a save each round that they remain in the AoE.
For third level spells, I like having Remove Magic on my mages so that I have a way to remove enemy buffs without removing my own. You can always keep a dispel or two on a divine caster in the party (they'll probably have a better caster level anyway) in case you need to remove debuffs on your own people.
Your fourth level spells look fantastic. Gotta love Emotion, and you can't do without Stoneskin.
It's also probably better to drop friends, and just let another mage, bard, pally handle your shopping needs, as it's a completely wasted slot in BG2...much the same reason you don't take sleep as a sorcerer you plan to import. High level Chromatic Orb can work well as a make-shift death spell, with a bunch of penalties stacked on an enemy, and is a decent troll finisher from 10+, burning hands is a useful back-up troll finisher. Protection from Evil is a good general purpose spell as well, + ac/saves, remove fear is also pretty nice.
I'd probably take invisibility over blur, but that's me.
Just make sure to take MM last. By the time you get the 5th 1st level spell, it'll actually deal enough damage to be worth a slot, under some circumstances.
Other then that, looks pretty good.
Blindness or Sleep
Charm Person
Chromatic Orb
Magic Missile
At level 2 I'd go with:
Mirror Image
At level 3 I'd go with:
Dispel Magic
Melf's Minute Meteors
Skull Trap
At level 4 I'd go with:
Greater Malison or Minor Sequencer
Does anybody know if you can find a Spook scrool in BG:EE and where?
Spider spawn is highly situational and loses effectiveness at near the end of SoA, it's nice early on, but Sorcerers have to stick with their picks, so it's best to focus on spells that will remain useful throughout the whole saga.
Web though is a nice spell, and actually should probably be your first or 2nd pick (skimmed the list and didn't realize it wasn't there). BG1 is very ranged heavy, so it synergizes well with Web. But because of the save penalty, web remains useful through out the saga, and there's several easy and quick options to protect melee from being held at the beginning of BG2, making it just as effective there as well for large groups with high HP, or 1 or 2 really hard hitting enemies.
@ajws Charm Person has a +3 save bonus (BAD), and only effects humanoids, Spook has a -1 penalty (good), that gets better by 1 every 6 levels to a maximum of -6 (AWESOME), and works on damn near everything not immune to fear. Even in ToB, you can throw it, without debuffs, and it has a good chance of sticking. Charm person is only really effective vs very low level/HD creatures, which is kind of ok at the beginning of BG1, but they don't really add enough to a battle, even if you bring them to your side in BG2, and they've got a much higher chance to resist it. If you want a mind control, charm monster or domination would be the best bet.
And as discussed over in the Skull Trap post, there's literally no reason to ever learn or memorize Fireball. Wands of fire are easily acquired for all your fire damage needs, and haste is superior to both skull trap and fireball in BG1. And since Skull Trap never stops scaling till 20, it's the perfect 3rd level spell for a whole saga haul.
@Kaigen: IMO Dispel is more useful than remove magic because it can also remove negative effects from my own party members (like hold, charm and confusion), altough it will also remove buffs. Sorcerers are better than clerics to handle this emergencies since they don't need to memorize specific spells.
@Oxford_Guy: I think so. I'm getting the find familiar scroll on BG1:EE after Naskhel Mines (loot from Nimbus the assassin).
@ZanathKariashi: agree with everything you said, except protection from evil, which is better handled by a cleric!
@Oxford_Guy Luckily there's a guaranteed Find Familiar scroll as part of one of the first quests you're offered in BG2, so this shouldn't be much of an issue.
By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical arrow that speeds to its target unerringly. The arrow has no attack or damage bonus, but it inflicts 2d4 points of acid damage (there is no splash damage). For every three levels the caster has achieved, the acid lasts for another round, unless somehow neutralized, inflicting another 2d4 points of damage each round. So at 3rd - 5th level, the acid lasts for two rounds. At 6th - 8th level, the acid lasts for three rounds, etc.