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Darts/Throwing Daggers

Two-fold request:

1) Can we get darts to have the dagger animation/icon, so we can see them on the paperdoll, and when we walk around?

2) Can we get returning +1 versions in BG:EE?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    #2 would be incredibly nice, i hate giving my fighter mage 4 points in dagger in bgee because in soa she is going to be using the returning dagger, now my fighter mage has to use a sling with 1 proficiency point, at least they could mage some magical throwing daggers, i had 490 000 gold when i fought sarevok last, so i could have bought some at least :)
  • CronatosCronatos Member Posts: 44
    I'd like to add to this a couple more requests:

    1. +2 versions :P

    2. Enchanted throwing weapons in the Black Pits. The only ones in the BP are darts. There's +1 throwing axes and a +2 returning one in the campaign, but neither in the BP. There aren't even basic throwing knives.
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  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Bhaaldog said:

    I imagine +1 returning versions would not be balanced in BG:EE. The equivalent is +1 unlimited arrows available in ToB.

    I wouldn't think so. The equivalent is the Ranged Weapon +1 and quiver, higher missle enchantments and ammo just pushes the ranged weapons more to the top over throwing daggers and darts. However, returning weapons open up the avenue to legit use with characters who can't manage to lug around 200+ daggers to throw during an adventure and don't mind using an alternate ranged weapon on their character.

    Barring something massive, throwing weapons will never (and probably should never..) dethrone bows/crossbows/slings, but they should be a more valid option than they currently are in BG:EE (imo).
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  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Bhaaldog said:

    Not quite sure why you need to carry 200+ darts around given their wide spread availability in chests and on corpses? This suggests a personal micromanagement issue rather than one of inadequate dart availability in the game?

    Having a returnable dart / throwing dagger is very powerful in the BG EE setting as it frees up inventory slots and weight hence my comparison with the quiver of +1 arrows.

    Um, no.

    I have to carry around multiple stacks of darts when I leave town because other than Skeletons, you can't count on finding them on corpses or these magical chests full of them with any sort of regularity. Throwing daggers are in the same boat, and share the same loot tables with the darts. With Baeloth coming with them now, this is two runs in a row that I've personally seen in BG:EE just how available they are as loot options in every zone and chest in the game when used as one of the primary weapons. That's fine with me, I have no complaints about that part of it. If I want darts/daggers, I load up and then head out. As they say, them's the breaks. However, to call their availability 'widespread' and a 'personal micromanagement issue' is completely disingenuous.

    Also, throwing daggers and darts cannot use the three ammunition slots, they must go in the backpack. Throwing daggers also are the only one that has a weight to them. That comparison makes no sense at all as you are saying something that has no weight and can be stored inside three specialty slots should be an equal comparison to something that is the exact opposite of this. Even the unlimited item bonus can't really be argued as it's an item set that gains bonuses on both the delivery system and the missile, versus something that is inherently it's own missile - so only one set of bonuses. So unless you are saying Throne of Bhaal balanced that quiver for a Longbow +0, I don't see any merit to it. There's a reason why aVenger put returning throwing weapons in BGT alongside the plentiful quivers.

    You don't like the idea, I get it. That's cool and you are entitled to like or dislike whatever you please and I'll have no problems with it. However, please don't clutter up the thread with incorrect statements and backhanded learn2play comments.
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  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Also - there is a +2 returning throwing axe that has been in since vanilla, so having +1 returning darts/daggers is unlikely to disrupt game balance much.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Just visit highhedge every time you are low on throwing daggers and stack up...
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  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
    Aosaw said:

    I maintain that the biggest (only?) problem with throwing daggers is that you can't retrieve them after combat. Unlike arrows, which notoriously break on impact, a dagger is meant to endure a great many impacts; it makes little sense for them to disappear once thrown, and if they appeared on your target's corpse after combat it would actually make them a more viable, more realistic option.

    The same thing applies to throwing axes. I'm working on modding them to work this way, but it's slow-going. (I've gotten them to add a throwing dagger to the target's inventory, but it replaces the existing item and doesn't stack with itself, so it needs some work.)

    This is really cool approach and should be done as you mentioned.

  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited April 2013
    Bhaaldog said:

    Corvino said:

    Daggers weigh 1lb each IIRC. If you want your mage to use throwing daggers he's got to be as strong as a fighter just to lug enough around for a single dungeon. As for finding lots of them I couldn't disagree more. You find a few occasionally, but nowhere near enough to keep you equipped for a complete run through Cloakwood.

    I only referred to Darts in my post regarding availability.
    The thing is in your post regarding dart availability, you quoted a post about throwing daggers, so it kinda looked like you were talking about both.
    Post edited by TJ_Hooker on
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2013
    Anduin said:

    Just visit highhedge every time you are low on throwing daggers and stack up...

    I actually mentioned that in my wall o' text practically word for word and said I have no problem with doing so. However, I would like to see things like the returning frost dart and the returning dagger (From the Beard and Black Lily in BGT) introduced into BG:EE. If the Dev's don't consider that something that's needed, I can live with it. It's a nice little extra I'd like to have, not absolutely need.
    Aosaw said:

    The same thing applies to throwing axes. I'm working on modding them to work this way, but it's slow-going. (I've gotten them to add a throwing dagger to the target's inventory, but it replaces the existing item and doesn't stack with itself, so it needs some work.)

    That's really interesting, look forward to seeing it. About what percentage of recovery do you consider fair?
    Bhaaldog said:

    I saw it as an opportunity to try something different and learn something new.

    Give me a break. You said they were widespread in non-shop availability, which is false, and you said the reason I was having to carry stacks of them with me out into the wilderness is I was using poor loot management, which is also false. It's right here in the thread. Like I said before, I don't mind you not agreeing with me, but I hate the 'You're doing it wrong,' arguments people love to use on gaming forums.
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  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'm not sure, but regardless it would only take effect on successful attacks (which makes sense, since on a miss it would either fly off into the bushes never to be seen again, or it would break on the target's armor rendering it useless). At the moment I have it set to 100% probability on successful hits. if that creates problems, I might dial it back to 75 or 50, but the goal here is to make it so you only need to carry as many as would make realistic sense; 300 is really pushing the envelope, especially for something that ought to be retrievable. For throwing daggers and axes, the idea should probably be more to limit you within a specific encounter, not so much to limit you for an entire mission.
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  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Aosaw said:

    I'm not sure, but regardless it would only take effect on successful attacks .

    That's actually a really good idea (I know, I know, you know. You thought of it ;P) as it rewards accurate characters over say, over my Mage, who kind of knows which end to put into them and not much more. It would require replacement over time, but would (should?) maintain the weapons as valid options over the course of an adventure.

    Look forward to seeing it.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'd also be setting it so that specific throwing daggers, such as the poisoned ones, would be retrievable as non-special throwing daggers. So you'd still have to replenish your stock in order to reuse the poison, but it wouldn't prevent you from using them again as standard weapons.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    or at least there could be some +1 throwing daggers you could buy? even if we couldnt get the retrievable patch/fix/mod whatever you wish to call it to work, i would at least like to be able to buy some magical ones, i hate how in bg1 my fighter/mage has 4 points in dagger, but i have to use a sling instead which i have 1 point in because i need something magical, and the whole reason why i have points in dagger is because in SoA my fighter/mage will be using the returning daggers
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