Gem Bag item limit?

Hi all, I reached the limit with my gem bag. So I was wondering how many gems can you keep at any one time? Also is there a use for gems or should I just sell them away for space and cash?
Thanks for any help in advance.
Thanks for any help in advance.
BTW you might want to hang onto a Sphene Gem and an Angel Skin Ring for some quests in Baldur's Gate
Quest items aren't neccessarily worth more (i.e. Joseph's ring gets you 5 gold like any other greenstone ring), so just sell those that have no name. The mentioned exception necklace is worth 3000 or so and might look more "important" due to that, but it's really just a fancy name.
Also, quest items don't stack with unnamed versions of the same type. I'm not even sure you can drop them in the bag. I think I couldn't put 2 jewelry items from a quest in Baldur's Gate in it. If you accidentally sell one of those anyway, you can buy it back. Most quest items aren't worth much, unless it's magical jewelry.
Checked with NI in Windows with the latest patch (1.0.2012).
My main problem is that I had to clua in the scroll case and now it only holds 20.
I did try to clua in one more but found tha when i gave them both to one NPC the one addet last had the same scrolls in it as the first.
However if you have the latest patch installed you can use the CLUA console to add three more Scroll Cases with capacity 100 each: BAG03G.ITM, BAG03H.ITM, BAG03I.ITM.
I've not tested that in game, but they look fully functional in NI. Also they should not share their content because they're linked to different stores.
You can also use NI to edit directly the savegame, but it is more risky.
It is the most up to date version AFAIK.
NI requires Java to work. There is a very high chance that Java is already installed on your computer. If not, you can download from here:
I don't have any link for a tutorial as I learned, actually I'm still learning, by trial and error. To remain OT suppose we want to edit a Scroll Case to increase the capacity. Instead of editing BAG03.ITM and BAG03.STO, you can make a copy of these two files with new names, let's say MYBAG03.ITM and MYBAG03.STO, and modify them instead.
Doing so the original items will remain unchanged, you avoid potential conflicts and solve the problem to change capacity in an ongoing game, if you have already used the original Scroll Case.
Bags require also a .STO file because of their content. The game uses for them the same interface of stores, but all prices are set to zero, so that you can move objects in and out the bag without any monetary transaction.
I've tested on my install and it works fine for a new game, i.e. I've managed to use the console to get 4 scroll cases with a capacity of 100 each and there are no missing strings. It looks like all the problems you're describing may be because you started your game before the latest patch.
However, the following procedure should work in any case (it did for me at least for both new and old games) and do not require direct modification of the savegame:
in NearInfinity
1) right click on BAG03.ITM and select "Add copy of"
2) when asked, enter a new file name, e.g. MYBAG03
3) right click on BAG03.STO and select "Add copy of"
4) when asked, enter the same name as in point #2
5) select MYBAG03.STO (in NI it is now under Override instead of STO)
6) go to the "Edit" tab and change Storage capacity to the desired amount
7) click Save in NI and, when asked, choose to overwrite "MYBAG03.STO"
then in game use
to add the new Scroll Case.
Before applying any new patch, make a backup copy of your override to be able to put back in MYBAG03.ITM and MYBAG03.STO in case they got deleted during the update.
If you have started your game with a previous patch and then updated during your playthrough, then the capacity will not change. It will be whatever it was at the time you started the game, irrespective of the changes introduced in the patch, unless you mod your game as indicated in my previous post.
This looks like a problem with your Java install. First of all check the following:
1) Be sure that you're running NearInfinity-w1.1.0.jar and not any other file from the NI web page.
2) Test if Java is up to date and working using the following link:
If #1 and #2 are OK, the problem may be caused by a conflict with an older version of Java. Use the instructions on the following link to uninstall older versions of Java
In case of doubt on which version to uninstall, uninstall all of them and reinstall the latest Java again.
Let me know if this solves the problem.